Pricing and rebates by region
You can price orders and calculate rebates by region in PD Pricing Setup and PD Pricing Sheet Setup. In the pricing and rebate level hierarchy, the region level is between the division group and company levels.
These prerequisites are required to enable the pricing and rebate records by regions functionality:
- The Pricing by Region and Rebate by Region options in the Pricing and Rebates sections of SA Administrator Options-Products are selected.
- Regions are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.
- A pricing/rebate region is specified in Product Warehouse Description Setup-General for each warehouse you want to apply region-based pricing and rebate records.
After you enable the regional functionality in SA Administrator Options, the Pricing Region and Rebate Region fields are available in PD Pricing Setup and PD Pricing Sheet Setup. In these fields, you can select a region that was set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.
An individual record can only be set at one level. If the Warehouse field is also available, specify a warehouse or a region. If you attempt to specify both, an error message is displayed.
In the PD Pricing Setup and PD Pricing Sheet Setup, check the Warehouse/Region column in the grid to determine if an existing record is by region or warehouse. Records created by region include an RGN- prefix. For example, suppose your company identifies both regions and warehouses numerically. If RGN-0008 is displayed in the Warehouse/Region field, the pricing record is region-based. If 0008 is displayed, the pricing record is warehouse-based. If this field is blank, the record was created at the company level.
The price and rebate region information is included on these reports:
- Product Warehouse Descriptions Master List Report
- PD Expired Pricing Records Report
- PD Customer Pricing Master List Report
- PD Customer Rebates Master List Report
- SA Table Code Value Report