
Elasticsearch is a third-party open source application that provides a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine.

The Elasticsearch engine enables an intuitive text search to locate and access application data. From a list of search results, users can select links to navigate to related information such as an application, a specific field, or a database record. Security rules apply to the availability of search data. The search results that are shown include only the data for which users have the authority to view.

Elasticsearch is provisioned with CloudSuite Distribution. Elasticsearch is installed when on-premises Distribution SX.e is installed and is then updated during upgrades. Some components of Elasticsearch can be customized for your company.

See the appropriate documents:

  • Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide
  • Infor Distribution SX.e Installation Guide
  • Infor Distribution SX.e Upgrade Guide
  • Infor Distribution SX.e Administration Guide