GL Daily Change Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Div # (Leave Blank for All Divisions)
You can set up report groups for each division in your company. If you group all divisions into one report group, specify a division to limit the information that prints in the report group total. Only the history transactions for the division specified are tabulated and printed on the report.
Print Period Balances?
Specify Yes to print and review the period balance for the report groups. The period balances for each account code included in the report group are added together and printed on the report under a Period Bal column. The period you specify for the Period option is used to determine which period balances from the GL Account Setup records to include.
Print Annual Balances?
Specify Yes to print the annual balance for the report groups. The annual balances for each account code included in the report group are added together and printed on the report under an Annual Bal column. The period is used to determine which period balance from GL Account Setup to include in the annual balance.
Print New Orders Taken?
Specify Yes to print a grand total of all new sales orders entered within the posting date range. Only Direct Orders (DO), Stock Orders (SO), and Blanket Orders (BL) are included in the total. The total represents the total of all line items on the orders and excludes taxes and addons.
Print New Purchase Orders Taken?
Specify Yes to print a grand total of all new purchase orders entered within the posting date range. Only Direct Orders (DO), Stock Orders (SO), and Blanket Orders (BL) are included in the total. The total represents the total of all line items on the orders and excludes addons.
The Posting Date range you specified should stay within the period you specify in this field. This option determines which period balances to add to the month-to-date totals on the report. To back up one period, specify -1 in this field. For example, if you specify -1**, the period before the current period of the current year is used. If the current period is 0820, 0720 is used for the report.