SA Tax Address Validation Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Validate Customer Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Ship To Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Vendor Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Ship From Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Warehouse Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Salesrep Addresses?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Validate Company Address?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to validate those addresses.
Show Validated Address Returned?
Retain the default, No, or select Yes to show the returned address.
(A)ctive Records, (I)nactive, (B)oth
Use this option to limit the number of records included in the report. Specify A to include active records, I to include inactive records, or B to include both types of records.
Send Output To Dropbox?
If Dropbox is set up for Distribution SX.e and you have an account, you can select Yes to send the report to your Dropbox. You can also use the Print Type field on the Information page to send the report to Dropbox.