KP Administrator Cost Kits From Components Report ranges and options


Roll Up Average Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the average cost of the kit by adding the average costs of the components together. The average cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Up Last Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the last cost of a kit by adding the last costs of the components together. The last cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Up Replacement Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the replacement cost of a kit by adding the replacement costs of the components together. The replacement cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The date of the replacement cost is also updated.

Roll Up Standard Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the standard cost of a kit by adding the standard costs of the components together. The standard cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The date of the standard cost is also updated.

Roll Up Addon Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the addon cost of a kit by adding the addon costs of the components together. The addon cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Up Product Surcharge Cost of Components?

Select Yes to calculate the product surcharge cost of a kit by adding the surcharge costs, such as Rush or DATC, of the components together. The kit’s DATC cost field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is updated with the total.

Roll Up Foreign Cost of Components?

Components might have been purchased from foreign vendors.

Select Yes to calculate the last foreign cost of a kit by adding the last foreign costs of the components together. The last foreign cost of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Component Base Prices to Kit?

Select Yes to calculate the base price of a kit by adding the base prices of the components together. The base price of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Components List Prices to Kit?

Select Yes to calculate the list price of a kit by adding the list prices of the components together. The list price of the kit is updated on the kit's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Roll Component Weights to Kit?

Select Yes to calculate the weight of a kit adding the weights of the individual components together. The Weight field on the kit's Product Setup record is updated with the total. Cost, weight, and cubes are rolled regardless of the component and group settings.

Roll Component Cubes to Kit?

Select Yes to calculate the cubes of a kit adding the cubes of the individual components together. The Cube field on the kit's Product Setup record is updated with the total. Cost, weight, and cubes are rolled regardless of the component and group settings.

Roll Component Foreign Repl Cost to Kit?

Select this option to control whether the Foreign Replacement Cost of a kit product is updated to the rolled up foreign replacement costs of the components specified in KP Component Setup. Foreign Replacement Cost is for use with foreign vendors. Typically, to enable foreign replacement cost, you select Use Replacement Cost During Entry in the Foreign Cost field of SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults-PO Entry. When you select this option, and also specify a Foreign Replacement Cost in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs, the cost specified is used by the system as the price when creating a purchase order (PO) line for a foreign vendor.