Effects of order types, dispositions, and product types on pick tickets
When an order is created, the customer service representative determines the order type and disposition of the order based on the customer’s needs. The order type and disposition determines how the order is handled in the warehouse and what information prints on the pick ticket. Product type can also affect the information that is printed on a pick ticket.
Order types
Pick tickets can only be printed for Stock Orders (SO), Blanket Releases (BR), Counter Sales (CS), and Return Merchandise (RM) order types. CS orders usually require a pick ticket immediately after the sale is entered because the customer is waiting for the product.
An order’s disposition provides explicit handling instructions to warehouse personnel. These disposition types require special handling:
- Ship Complete
To prevent an incomplete Ship Complete order from shipping, the ship to address is not printed on the pick ticket. If a staging area was specified on the order, it is printed on the pick ticket. Use the Ship Complete Handling option on the Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report to print a full packing slip when the last product on a Ship Complete order is received. When a complete packing slip is printed, PACKING SLIP is printed at the top of the pick ticket.
Note: The ship complete disposition can also be assigned to individual lines on an order. - Will Call
To prevent Will Call orders from shipping, a ship to address is not printed on the pick ticket. When a Will Call order is complete, warehouse personnel notify the customer that their order is available for pick up.
- Tag & Hold
For Tag & Hold orders, tag the product with the customer’s name and hold it until the customer notifies you to deliver the goods. Available inventory is reserved, based on the quantity ordered, and a pick ticket can be printed. A shipping address is not printed on the pick ticket, even if the order is complete. If a staging area was specified on the order, it is printed on the pick ticket.
- Just in Time (JIT)
Pick tickets and Product Warehouse Description Setup records control JIT order picking. Only the line items within the promise date and Just In Time Leeway range are printed on the pick ticket. The Just In Time Leeway value is specified on the Product Warehouse Description Setup record. Use the Print Order thru Promised/Requested Date on the Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report to specify a promised date for JIT orders. The Days to Allow Forward report option, in conjunction with the Saturday Shipment and Sunday Shipment options in Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup, determine if the order is ready to be picked. The Just In Time Leeway is added to the header date to determine whether to include a line on the pick ticket. If a JIT order was picked but not shipped, and alterations were made to cause another line to be picked, lines that are ready for picking would be included with both the range and list options. Return lines on a JIT order are picked in the same manner that a regular stock line is picked.
Product types
This table shows how product types affect the pick ticket.
Product type | Pick ticket |
The product is a nonstock. | Nonstock is printed in the bin location field to indicate that the product is a specially handled receipt. The line item is filled when the nonstock is received. |
Serial or lot numbers were allocated for a product in Sales Order Entry. | Control numbers print under the product line on the pick ticket. When the product is picked, the control number on the product must match the control number on the pick ticket. |
The product has a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record for a customer product number. | The customer product number and your product name print on the pick ticket. |
The product is a build-on-demand kit. | These products must be picked and staged in a kitting area or assembled according to the instructions on the pick ticket. |
The product is a prebuilt kit. | Only the finished kit product prints on the pick ticket. Components are not printed because the product is considered a single product. |
The product is an MSDS product, and the MSDS Print option in SA Administration Options-Products-Defaults is Picking. | Send MSDS Product Sheet to Customer is printed on the pick ticket each time it is printed. Locate the appropriate MSDS sheet and send it to the customer. |
The product is a pick up on the way product. | Pick Up is printed in the bin location field. Someone from your warehouse picks up the products from the vendor and deliver them to the customer. |