Fields are presented alphabetically within each section.
- Description
- The description is associated with the set number for this group name. Use
this field to provide more information about the nature of this
- If specific references have been set up in SA Table Code Value
Setup, it can be specified in the Description field. A period "." or pound
"#" must precede the reference number specified in the first
three positions of the Description
- Group Name
- Specify a user-defined group name where master and distribution account codes
are to be stored. The group name should describe the distributions being made. For
example, if the file is designed to distribute Utility Expenses, the group name might be
- If the group already exists, additional distribution account codes can be
added. After a distribution is added, maintained, or deleted, the screen clears, but the
last group name entered continues to display on the screen.
- Master G/L Acct #
- Specify the General Ledger master account code. The master account code
balance is reversed or distributed to the corresponding distribution account codes. The
account code must exist in GL Account Setup. After the account code
is specified, the lookup name and balance type is displayed to the right of the
- If you specify an account code with a division, department or subaccount
number for which you do not have access in SA Operator Setup, the message,
"Security Violation - Operator Access Denied (1100)", is displayed.
A supervisor must grant authority to temporarily override your operator restrictions and
allow you to continue.
- Maximum Amount
- The Maximum Amount field is used
as an upper limit for this set. After the maximum amount is reached, you are restricted
from distributing this set any further.
- If you specify 0 in this field, the master account's
full period amount from GL Account Setup is distributed when
GL Entry Distribute Automatically Report is run. If the
Maximum Amount value is greater than the
period amount, the period amount is distributed.
- The maximum amount is most useful for distributions that recur on a weekly,
biweekly, monthly, and so on, basis. By specifying a maximum amount, you are placing a
cap on the amount of money that can be reversed or distributed from the master account
to the distribution accounts. For example, you may want to distribute a maximum amount
of $1,000.00 to the Utilities account in Department 1. Each time GL Entry
Distribute Automatically Report is run, the amount distributed does not
exceed $1,000.00. If more than $1,000.00 needs to be distributed, multiple transactions
should be entered within the set.
- Offset/Reverse
- This option refers specifically to the set number being created. Each set
within a group name must be either a reversing or offsetting distribution. Once you
select Reverse or Offset, it cannot be
Note: Care should be taken if sets within a group name vary between Reversing
and Offsetting. Be sure to work the design out on paper to ensure the outcome yields
the desired results.
- If you select Reverse, a reversing entry is made to
the master account code for the transactions posted to the account. The balance of the
master account code is distributed to the distribution account codes specified within
the set. For example, in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, you can post
all utilities to one account. The Utilities Control account is then set up as a master
account here and cleared out when its balance is distributed to other subsidiary
Utilities accounts through GL Entry Distribute Automatically
- Depending on the balance type of the master account code, the distribution
accounts should equal 100% of either the proof debit or proof credit percentage. For
example, if the master account has a normal debit balance, during a reversal, the
distribution amount is credited to the master account and debited to the distribution
accounts. Therefore, the proof debit and proof credit percentages should equal
- If you select Offset, offsetting transactions are
distributed to the distribution account codes specified within the set. The balance in
the master account code is used to determine the amount to be posted between the
specified percentages (debits versus credits must equal). You could use offset group
types to project amounts for Reserve for Bad Debt and Bad Debt Expense accounts, with
the AR Control account entered as the master account. The AR Control account's balance
is not affected. Instead, a percentage of its balance is distributed to these subsidiary
- The total percentages of the account codes flagged as Opposite = Y must equal
the account codes flagged as Opposite = N. The Proof
Debit and Proof Credit fields
on the Transactions view verify that the percentages equal. They do not have to equal
- Set #
- Specify the set number for the group being created. The set number is used to
classify a set of distributions together. All transactions with the same set number are
tied together by type, master account, and reference. All transactions with the same set
number must also balance by proof credit and proof debit. The number you specify must be
greater than zero.