Correcting a wrong product receipt
An incorrect product receipt error occurs when your warehouse receives one product in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, but later discovers that a different product was sent.
To correct a product receipt, you create the correction and unreceive the existing line by changing the quantity received to zero. Then, you add a new line for the correct product and receive that product. The decrease of the existing line creates an RM-type suffix. The addition of the new product creates a PO- or BR-type purchase order line, depending on the type of the original purchase order.
Before performing corrections, ensure these prerequisites have been completed:
- To correct a purchase order, the operator must have correct security. Select Yes in the Allow PO Receiving Corrections field in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-Other Entry Options.
- To prevent receiving errors from occurring, we recommend that you select Yes in the Verify Changes to PO/WT in Receiving field SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-Other Entry Options. The operator is then notified when a value on a line item is changed to a value that does not match the corresponding value in the purchase order. This warning is displayed: Discrepancy From PO. Please Verify Changes Made. The operator must acknowledge the notification to continue.
- Set up a return reason for this type of correction. Set up a Return Adjust Reason in SA Table Code Value Setup that is specific to correcting purchase order receiving. For example, PO Receiving Correction. Then, select that reason from the Receipt Correction Return Reason field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults.
Use these instructions to correct the product receipt: