GL Transaction Activity Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.

To print a grouping of account codes for a zero division, account, or sub account, specify the account range beginning with 00 and ending with .5. Specify a range of 0000 to print account codes for all divisions, accounts, or sub accounts.

Use caution when selecting range parameters. Limiting information that should be included on the report may cause the GL Transaction Entry balance to differ from the GL Account Setup balance. For example, when posting date ranges are specified and an account has no beginning balance but activity in another period.

If you do not specify a period range, the current year is used.


Print GL Transactions (GL, AR, AP, CR, IC, OE, PO, WT)
Specify the two-letter abbreviation of the module from which to print General Ledger transactions. Options include GL, AR, AP, CR, IC, OE, PO, and WT. If the transaction is from Sales Order Entry or Customer transactions, the customer number is printed. If the transaction is from Vendor and Purchase transactions, the vendor number is printed. All General Ledger transactions created through the listed modules are printed.
Option Description
GL Only history transactions created through General Ledger print.
AR Customer Transaction Entry and Customer Cash Receipts Entry create Accounts Receivable history transactions and General Ledger history transactions for the distribution portion of invoices. If you specify AR, only General Ledger transactions created through Customer Transaction Entry, Customer Entry Batch Update Report, Customer Cash Receipts Entry, or Customer Entry Roll Balances Report are printed. The Accounts Receivable history transactions are not printed.
AP Vendor Invoice Center Entry and Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report create Accounts Payable and General Ledger history transactions for the distribution portion of invoices. If you specify AP, only General Ledger transactions created through Vendor Invoice Center Entry, Vendor Entry Batch Update Report, and Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report are printed. The Accounts Payable history transactions are not printed.
CR When you enter a void in CR Transaction Entry, you have the option of reversing GL/AP transactions. If you specify Yes, a CR Transaction Entry journal is opened. Specify CR here to display the postings made to that journal.
IC Product Adjustments Entry, Product Modify Handheld Data Entry, and Product Warehouse Transfer Entry create General Ledger history transactions. Specify IC to print the transactions created from the Product module.
OE Sales Order Entry and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report create General Ledger history transactions. Specify OE to print the transactions created from the Sales module.
PO Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and Vendor Invoice Center Entrycreate General Ledger history transactions.
WT Transfer Entry Shipping Feedback Report, Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, and Transfer Entry Exception Receipts Report create General Ledger history transactions.
Print (D)ebits, (C)redits, or (B)oth
Credits to print the credits for review.
Debits to print the debits for review.
Both to print the debits and credits for review.
Print For Fiscal Yr
Specify a four-digit (2019) or two-digit (19) year value. Income, expense, and clearing accounts should not have balances carried forward from the previous year. If you have indicated a period range that crosses fiscal years, all transactions within the range are printed. Only the current year’s account codes are displayed. This is an issue if your Chart of Accounts changes from year to year.
Print Additional References?
Specify Yes to print one line per history transaction and the additional description lines contained in GL Extended Transaction Reference Entry.
Print Manual Balance Changes?
Specify Yes to print all manual balance changes. These changes are stored in a file in System Administrator. If you are attempting to balance an out of balance account, print the manual changes to determine the cause. Any manual balance changes made to GL Setup Accounts print, regardless of the transaction type selected.
Print Only Accounts With Activity?
Specify Yes to print only accounts with active transactions or No to print all history transactions for the specified accounts.
Totals Only?
Specify Yes to print only the account balances. This includes the accumulative balance, beginning balance, ending balance, total debits, and total credits. Specify No to print all history transactions for the specified accounts.
Sort by (D)ivision or (A)ccount
Specify Division to print the report by divisions or Account to print the report by account codes.
Print Summary of Out of Balance Accounts
Specify Yes to print a summary listing of accounts that are out of balance after the grand totals. Specify No if you do not want to view a summary of these accounts.