Substitutes and supersedes
Sometimes vendors substitute or supersede products for those placed on purchase orders.
Substitute products are not 100 percent interchangeable. They are temporary substitutes for existing products. When a product is substituted in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and a back order or new purchase order is created, the original product is displayed on the back order or new purchase order.
Supersede products replace existing products and are interchangeable in most situations. Superseding generally occurs when a product becomes obsolete, or is not being manufactured, and is replaced with a better product. When a product is superseded in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and a back order or new purchase order is created, the new product is displayed on the back order or new purchase order. The product cost from the original order is displayed on the back order.
When you create a new substitute cross reference record in Product Extended Cross Reference Product Setup, you can select to simultaneously create its opposite. When you select to create a substitute cross reference record, two records are created: the substitute cross reference and its opposite. Any existing substitute cross reference records for the product remain as they are.
When you create a supersede cross reference, you can select the options to create any cross reference type. Alternations can be made to all existing cross reference records for the product being superseded.