SA Administrator Options - Products - Multiple Level field descriptions


Allow Override of Contractual Level Pricing in Multiple Level Search

This option determines whether to continue the search for multiple level pricing records set up in Customer Price Type Setup after it finds a contractual pricing record (PD Pricing Setup level 1 or 2) as the system price.

If this option selected, the search continues for a price in Customer Price Type Setup that overrides a contractual price (is lower than). PD Pricing Setup level 1 or 2 records include Product, Customer/Product, Customer/Product Price Type, Customer/Product Line, Customer/Product Category, and Customer/Product Rebate.

If this option is not selected, the contractual price record is accepted as the system price and no search for a lower price is performed. Even if this option is not selected, if the system price found is not a contractual price record, existing multiple levels are searched.

Select Multiple Level Customer Type Pricing Based on Level

This option determines the extent the multiple-level pricing hierarchy is searched if a multiple-level customer pricing record is found.

If this option is not selected, searches for Level 3 (Customer Type/Product) pricing records are performed. After a Level 3 is found, searches for a Level 4 (Customer Type/Product Price Type), then a Level 6 (Customer Type) are performed. The system price is compared to the lowest multiple level price and the lowest of these is selected.

If this option is selected, the first multiple level found is used to compare against the system price. After the first level is found, the next level of records is not searched. If there are multiple records at the same level, all records at that level are searched to compare to the system price.


Allow Override of Product Level Rebates in Multiple Level Search

This option determines whether to continue to search for multiple level rebate records set up in Customer Rebate Type Setup after it finds a product level rebate record (PD Pricing Setup Rebate Level 1).

If this option is selected, the search continues for a rebate in Customer Rebate Type Setup that is lower than the system rebate.

If this option is not selected, a search for a multiple-level rebate is not performed if the system rebate is a product level rebate record. This applies to either customer rebates or vendor on sale rebates, which is based on your selection in the Multiple Level Customer Rebate Types Calculated field.

Multiple Level Customer Rebate Types Calculated

This setting indicates the type of rebate records to apply when calculating the rebate due on a sale. This option only applies if Allow Override of Product Level Rebates in Multiple Level Search is selected.

  • If you select Vendor on Sale, only multiple level customer rebate records that are set up as Vendor on Sale in PD Pricing Setup are searched.
  • If you select Customer, multiple level customer rebate records that are set up as Customer in PD Pricing Setup are searched.
  • If you select Both, a search for all multiple level rebate levels for Vendor on Sale or Customer type rebates is performed.
  • If you select Neither, you cannot access Customer Rebate Type Setup.