Discount calculator
Use the discount calculator to apply a whole order discount amount and recalculate the order total. The calculator can be accessed by selecting the Review Taxes and Totals view in Sales Order Entry. The order discount amount is prorated back to each line at invoice processing.
button on theNew total sale discount
One type of whole order discount calculated by the discount calculator is a new total sale. The difference between the actual total sale and the amount specified in the discount calculator is displayed in the Order Discount field in the Discounts section after you click . The discount is also displayed in the Totals section.
For example, if a customer wants to reduce their order from $550 to $500, you would specify $500 in total net sales. When you click Order Discount field as an amount or percent, depending on the selected Expressed As option. Use the field to the right of the Order Discount field to change your view of the discount as a percent or amount.
, the discount amount is displayed in theGross margin percentage discount
You can also specify a gross margin percentage discount. In the normal invoice print, this discount is shown as a lump sum discount at the end of the invoice. If you want this to show as an adjustment on the invoice, a special print form output is required.
Full order amount
You can also specify an order amount and recalculate what the order discount should be. If you cannot access the Gross Margin on This Order field, the To Calculate Margin %, Divide By option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing is set to Cost. The margin percent you specify and the one calculated after you click , may not be an exact match due to rounding.
Target gross margin percent
You may specify the target gross margin percent for the entire order, and the calculator can express the whole order discount as a percentage and as an amount. You may also return to each line item and suppress printing of the price on invoices. This clearly shows lot pricing.