Creating a test account

Before configuring CenPOS, you must create a test account. A test account uses test credit card numbers provided by CenPOS with a test authorization network. After you have established that your system is working in a test environment, you can switch to a merchant account. The merchant account uses valid credit card numbers with a live authorization network. You may keep the test account even after your merchant account is live.


Currently, the test environment is maintained by a third party. CenPOS notifies you of any known and planned outages. Be aware that other server downtime or maintenance may occur without notice, in which case, you receive a time-out error.

To create a CenPOS test account, contact your CenPOS representative. CenPOS provides access to a test environment. The environment contains several test credit card numbers and test data. You must have a merchant ID, user ID, and password. The password must be 8 characters and include at least one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Be aware that use of three of the special characters allowed by CenPOS causes issues with the Chrome WebUI installation. These characters should be avoided to prevent connection errors with the CenPOS Web browser forms, such as the One Time Sale form. This error may occur during order entry: Card Denied Response = nvalid Request Format. Error after parameter nam: PWD '22'^ Seq001.

These are the three special characters to avoid:
  • ¿ - Inverted question mark

  • · - Middle dot or multiplication dot

  • + - Plus sign

You can use of any of the remaining special characters allowed by CenPOS in your password. These characters work for both server-side token transactions and WebUI One Time Sale transactions. The special characters that are allowed by CenPOS are displayed on the Change Password form in the CenPOS Virtual Terminal. The password is also used for the SA Credit Card Processor Setup.