PD Pricing Sheet Setup field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Base Price

The base price of the product. Generally, the base price is the standard retail price and is multiplied against the Pricing and Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry. You can set up the Customer Setup record to always use the base price if you do not want to give the customer a price break.

Customer Columns 1-9

Use these fields to specify different levels of customer price breaks. You control which level to use by the associated PD Pricing Setup record that uses this sheet.

Division Group
If you selected Division Group in the Type field, specify the division group. Division groups are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Division Group. They are assigned to one or more divisions in SA Table Code Value Setup-Division.
List Price

Specify the list price for this product if you prefer to record list prices. You can multiply the list price against the Pricing and Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry.

Price Region

Specify the region to which the pricing sheet applies. The regions available in this field are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

The region-based pricing sheets are applied to warehouses if a pricing/rebate region is specified on the warehouse record in Product Warehouse Description Setup.

To display this field, Pricing by Region in the Pricing and Rebates sections of SA Administrator Options-Products must be selected.

Price Sheet

Assign the pricing sheet a unique, identifiable number. You might consider using price sheet numbering sequences that correlate with a particular vendor. You can assign a price sheet to a product-type rebate record. The customer and vendor matrix columns are available when it is based on a percent, net, or margin record. When you calculate records, Sales Order Entry uses a sheet record if one exists.


The product number that is applicable to this pricing sheet. Stocked and catalog products are valid for pricing sheets.

Product Import Update Date

The most recent date the PI Entry Update Products Report was run. You must select the Price Sheet in PI New Item Default Setup to display this date.

Rebate Cost

Specify a separate cost to be used for rebates in this field. The value in this field is used to calculate rebates if these conditions are met:

  • The Rebate Calc Type setting in PD Rebate Setup is set to Percent, Net, or Margin Guaranteed.
  • The Based On, Based From, Rebate Down To, or Margin Cost settings are set to Rebate Cost.
Replacement Cost

Unlike the average and last costs, the replacement cost is not updated each time a transaction occurs. You must manually change the replacement cost using Product Maintain Balance Entry whenever your vendor specifies a replacement cost change. If you use Product Import to maintain product information, you can automatically update the replacement cost from a pricing service or your vendor.

Sheet Date

The date the pricing sheet expires.

Standard Cost

This value is user-defined. The standard cost could become the same as the replacement cost or not used at all. Each time the standard cost is changed in Product Maintain Balance Entry, the date it was changed must be recorded.


Specify the type of pricing sheet. Select Company , Warehouse, Price Region or Division Group. Your selections in this drop-down field are dependent upon the options chosen in SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing and your SA Operator Setup security settings.

If the Pricing by Warehouse option is selected, Warehouse or Company can be selected in the Type field. If you select Warehouse, you must specify a warehouse.

If the Pricing by Region option is selected, Price Region can be selected in the Type field. If you select Region, you must specify a region.

If the Pricing by Division option is selected, Division Group can be selected in the Type field. If you select Division Group, you must specify a division group. Division groups are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup-Division Group.

Company is not available in the Type field in the Search. Leave the Warehouse or Price Region fields blank to include company pricing sheets in the search.

Vendor Columns 1-9

Use these fields to specify different levels of vendor cost breaks. You control which level to use by the associated PD Pricing Setup record that uses this sheet.


Specify the warehouse to which the pricing sheet applies.