SA Operator Information Report ranges and options


Print G/L Defaults?

Select Yes to include the general ledger account codes that are specified on the Other Options tab of the operator record. Division, department and sub-account security settings are also printed.

Print Operator Security Flags?

Select Yes to include the security settings that are included on the Entry Options and Controls tabs of the operator record.

Print Security Level 1 thru 5?

Select Yes to include the functions with the corresponding security level on the report for each operator.

Print Group Names?

Select Yes to include the groups that are assigned to the operator in SA Event Manager Group Setup.

Print (C)HUI, (W)eb, or (B)oth

Specify C to print function security levels for the CHUI menu set. SpecifyW to print function security for the WebUI menu set. Specify B to print information for both the CHUI and WebUI menu sets.

The security levels that are included in the report are based on the Print Security Level 1-5 options.