SA Local Tax Setup field descriptions

Use SA Local Tax Setup if you are using Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) rates.

Tax Description


Initially, the value displayed is domestic or government, depending on the tax authority record you are viewing. This field is editable, but we do not recommended you edit the value.

Tax Accounts

GST Account

This is the account code for the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) collected from sales to your customer's defaults from the SA Goods and Services Tax Setup record that created this local tax record. To have separate accounts for Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected in each province, specify an account number. You can edit the account numbers for each tax authority: domestic and government. In addition, if you change the GST collected account in the SA Company Setup-Taxes, you must change the account number in each SA Local Tax Setup record. If this Canadian customer is using cash accounting, you must specify an account number in this field. If you leave this field blank, suspense postings may occur.

PST Account

This field is not editable. The valued displayed is based on the Province or State selected from the SA Local Tax Setup grid.

Tax Rates

The PST Rate for each group autofills from the SA Goods and Services Tax Setup record. The GST Rate autofills from the SA Company Setup record and is added to the PST rates when applicable. Change the GST tax rates as needed, and the new total tax rate is displayed.

When a change is made to the domestic (dom) or government (gov) tax authorities in SA Goods and Services Tax Setup, and the domestic or government tax authority does not exist, records are created in SA Local Tax Setup. In this case, the five government rates default to zero. For the domestic record that is created, if the province is not harmonized, then rates 1, 2, and 5 default to the GST rate from SA Company Setup. If the province is harmonized, all five of the rates default to zero.