Purchase Exceptions Report ranges and options
- Print If Rcv Dt Is (x)Days Over Due Date
If the variance between the purchase order's receipt date and due date is greater than or equal to the number of days specified here, it is considered an exception. Those purchase orders print on the report. The due date is based on the longest lead time from the line items. If the vendor was 10 days late in shipping you the purchase order, the Purchase Exceptions Report notifies you. Specify 0 to indicate that you do not want to use this option.
- Non Received PO Is (x)Days Over Due Date
Specify a value. Purchase orders that are past due by the specified number of days or greater are displayed. For example, you may have expected the purchase order to be received by the due date. If it is 10 days past due, you may choose to contact the vendor to see what the problem is and when you can expect the merchandise to arrive. Specify 0 to indicate that you do not want to use this option.
- Open PO Orders?
Select Yes to list an exception for purchase orders that are open or in use. This is useful in identifying orders that may be out of balance. If an operator is maintaining an order, and the system is disabled, the order remains locked. To unlock the order, the same operator must access the order in Purchase Order Entry and press from a blank line to close the order. Generate this report during off hours because this option identifies all purchase orders which are in use.
- OE/WT # Erroneous Ties?
Select Yes to include incorrect OE/WT ties to purchase orders. A purchase order line can be attached to multiple orders or transfers. As you enter an order number or transfer number in Purchase Order Entry, it is validated against this criteria:
- The order is a Stock Order (SO) or Blanket Release (BR).
- The stage of the order is Stage 1 (Ordered) or Stage 2 (Picked).
- The transfer is a warehouse transfer.
- The stage of the transfer is Stage 0 (Requested), Stage 1 (Ordered), or Stage 2 (Printed).
- The product and status from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record are the same between the purchase order and order or transfer.
- The order or transfer line is not on a purchase order or warehouse transfer already.
- The product status from the Product Setup record is active.
- The product on the order or transfer is not in an alternate warehouse.
- The quantity ordered on the order or transfer is not equal to the quantity shipped.
- A back order has not been created for the order or transfer line.
- The order or transfer line must exist.
- The line on the order must be active.
- The quantity ordered equals the quantity shipped and the purchase order has not been received through Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
If a purchase order cannot fill an order or warehouse transfer, the condition is included on your Purchase Exceptions Report when you select Yes. Receipts for canceled VA lines are also included on this report.
- Print Lead Time Exceptions?
The Purchase Exceptions Report helps to identify products with sporadic lead times. If you select Yes and the newly calculated lead time average is 50 percent shorter or longer than the existing average, this message is printed on the report: ***50% Lead Time Variance Exceeded***
If the last lead time is over six months old, this message is displayed: Last Receipt > 6 Months Ago
- Cost Variance Is Exceeded?
You can specify a price variance in Percent of Price Variance To Print on the Exception Report option in . When you receive vendor products and the received price varies from the original price more than the price variance specified, they are displayed on Purchase Exceptions Report. If you leave the Percent of Price Variance To Print on the Exception Report option equal to zero and set this option to Yes, all price changes are displayed on this report.
- Stock Quantity Overridden?
If the stock quantity ordered is manually overridden once it has originally been entered, it is considered an exception. Select Yes to include the overridden items on this report. The stock quantity may be overridden during Purchase Order Entry.
- Price Overridden?
Select Yes to print those line items where the price has been manually overridden. The price is considered overridden if you manually override it or copy the order from an existing purchase order.
- Buying Unit Overridden?
The buying unit from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record is initially displayed when you enter a purchase order for a product. The buying unit can be manually overridden. If this occurs, it is considered an exception because you should be ordering in your standard buying unit the majority of the time. Select Yes to include this exception on the report.
- Quantity Received Unavailable?
Select Yes to print those line items where all or part of the quantity received was made unavailable. You may mark products being received unavailable for several reasons. Examples are damaged, needs inspection, and so on. When a purchase order with unavailable quantities is received and is tied to a back order or warehouse transfer, this option helps determine how to handle the order. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to reorder the products, cancel the order and place the order with another vendor, and so on.
- Qty Received Not = Qty Ordered?
Select Yes to print those line items where the quantity received is not equal to the original quantity ordered. The quantity received may be greater than or less than the quantity ordered.
- Product Is A Substitute?
Select Yes to print the products you have accepted as substitute products. For each product, the Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record is checked for valid substitutes. The Product Setup record or Product Warehouse Product Setup record must exist for the product before it is considered a valid substitute.
- Qty Returned > Qty Unavailable
If the quantity returned on a Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order is greater than the Product Warehouse Product Setup Unavailable quantity, the difference is subtracted from the On Hand quantity during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. If this does occur, it is considered an exception and is included on the report if you select Yes.
- PO DO Tied to Suspended OE DO Order/Line?
Select Yes to include all purchase order DOs that are tied to a suspended OE DO order or direct order line.
- Products Added During Receiving?
Select Yes to include products added during receiving.
- Received vs Invoice Cost Variance Pct
If the variance of the invoiced cost as a percent of the received cost is greater than or equal to the percentage entered for this option, the line item is printed on the Purchase Exceptions Report. Only purchase orders that are in Stage 6 (Costing) or greater are evaluated.
For example, product 1-001 was received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry at a cost of $15.00 each. During costing the cost was changed to $25.00. You are processing the exception report each night, with this option set to 10%. Because the variance is larger than 10%, this item is listed as an exception.
- Totals Only?
Yes to include only total figures for the qualifying options.
No to display the detail necessary to correct exceptions.
- Receiver # Totals Out of Balance?
This option applies only if you have implemented the optional Purchase Order Receiver System. Select Yes to audit all receiver number records that are tied to Stage 5 (Received) or greater purchase orders within the Enter Date range. Purchase orders that have proof and actual totals that do not equal are listed as exceptions. Generate the Purchase Exceptions Report and correct the out-of-balance items before generating Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.
- Output File for CSV Format
To generate a CSV file for the report, specify the name of the Purchase Exceptions Report output file. The CSV file uses the same sort order as the printed report: Exception and PO number. Suffix and line includes columns for all of the report data. Additional columns for foreign vendors display data in columns based on the exception type, therefore, some columns may be blank for some rows used to sort data by column.