PO Entry VMI Initial Product Data Load ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Vendor #
Specify the ARP vendor number set up on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The initial product data load is specific to one vendor only.
Distributor's ID
Specify your distributor ID. This value is a unique identifier that is assigned by the vendor or selected by you. A distributor ID may represent a company or a warehouse. If distributor IDs are assigned by warehouse, you must run the Purchase Entry VMI Initial Product Data Load Report for each warehouse.
Use Form (Form 1-4 Std, Others Custom)
This option determines the format of the file. Forms 1 and 2 use fixed field lengths. Forms 3 and 4 use a character delimiter that is defined in the Field Separator option. The form that you select depends on your vendor's requirements.
Field Separator
If you selected Form 3 or 4 for the Use Form option, specify the character delimiter.
Enter List of Products or Product Lines?
To enter a list of products or product lines, select Yes and then click List. If you enter a list, the ranges are ignored.
Number of Months of History Needed

This value corresponds to the months usage in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering.

If you use Form 3 or 4, specify the number of months of product history to include on the report. The maximum value is 24.

If you use Form 1 or 2, this option is ignored. For Form 1, 24 months of history is automatically generated. For Form 2, 12 months of history is automatically generated.

Tape Command (Shell Script File Name)

If you specify D for the Command Type option, specify the shell script that executes the UNIX commands to create the tape or disk. The shell script is saved in the operating directory. During the data load process, .sh is added to the script that is specified in this field.

This option is not used if the Export Type is ION BOD.

Command Type - (F)ile or (D)irect

Specify F to write the initial product data load to a file.

Specify D to write the initial product data load directly to a tape or disk.

This option is not used if the Export Type is ION BOD.

Data File Name

If you specified F for the Command Type option, specify the full directory path and file name for the file to be created. If the specified file name corresponds to an existing file, information that is generated by the report is appended to existing file. If the file name is longer than 24 characters, complete the entry in the (Continued) field.

This option is not used if the Export Type is ION BOD.

This field is a continuation of the Data File Name option. Use it if the file name is longer than the 24 characters available in the previous field.
VMI (ARP Type = 'm') Products Only?

Select Yes to include only products with a ARP type of VMI from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. This option applies to both ranges and lists of products and product lines. If you use specify a list of products or product lines, only products with an ARP type of VMI is included.

Select No to include all product types.

Export Type (1 = EDI Flat File, 5 = ION BOD)
Specify 1 to generate EDI flat file output. Specify 5 to generate ION BOD output.
Note: You can generate EDI flat file or ION BOD output for Forms 1-3. You can only generate ION BOD output for Form 4.
Supplier ID
Specify the vendor’s EDI Trading Partner code. This value is specified in Vendor Setup-eCommerce.