Excluding ShipTos from API calls
You may have Customer Setup Ship To records set up that you do not want
exposed in API data because the ship tos are not relevant to the intended function for the
API. For example, not sending a ship to in the response to the API, excludes and hides the
ship to from the outside party, which prevents orders being placed for these ship tos.
Functionality is available to enable you to optionally exclude select ship to records.
- Use the option, Exclude from SXAPI List, in Customer Ship To Setup-EDI-eCommerce to control the export of each Customer Ship To Setup record in each of these related SX.API calls: sxapiARGetShipToList, sxapiARGetShipToListV2, sxapiARGetShipToListV3. The standard REST SX API and FetchWhere web services for SX.API temp-tables include this field. Select this option to exclude the ship to. The option value, yes or no, is stored in an internal Customer Ship To Setup database field, excsxapilstfl. This option is not available if not activated correctly.
- Use the business rule, ExcludeARSSFromList, in SA Business Rule Setup to control the export of each Customer Ship To Setup record.
- Use the field, Exc From SXAPI List, in the Other Information section of the Customer Ship To Master List Report. The value shows whether the option, Exclude From SXAPI List, for this ship to is selected (Yes) or cleared (No).
Use this sequence and combination of tasks to activate this functionality:
- In SA Business Rule Setup, use Search to find the business rule, ExcludeARSSFromList. Drill down and, in Rule Value, specify Yes. Click .
- The previous steps make the Exclude from SXAPI List option available in Customer Ship To Setup. For each ship to you want to exclude, select this option to exclude the ship to. In Customer Ship To Setup, use Search to find the ship to record. Drill down, and then click eCommerce. Click and then select Exclude From SXAPI List in the eCommerce section. Click .
- In SA Administrator ION Noun Setup, use Search to find the noun, ShipToPartyMaster. Drill down, and in the Extra Fields section, in Level 1 Fields, specify arss excsxapilstfl. This task enables you to use the rule in the BOD. The ShipToPartyMaster BOD is not being changed to react to the data.
- Verify data flow by opening a test ShipToPartyMaster BOD to see if the esxapilstfl field for an excluded ship to is set to Yes.
For information about the SX.API and the ShipToPartyMaster BOD, see the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide or Infor Distribution SX.e Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service. For mapping information about the ShipToPartyMaster BOD, see the Infor Distribution SX.e Outbound BOD Mapping and Descriptions.