SA Administrator Options - Customer- Statements field descriptions

Fields are presented alphabetically.

IDM Document Type ID
If you select an Output Type of IDM Output Management or IDM Output Management and Third Party, specify the document type ID set up in Infor Document Management for the statement template. If you are using the default template created for Distribution SX.e, specify SX_Form_Templates. If you are using a custom template for your statement form based on the templates created for Distribution SX.e, specify SX_Custom_Form_Templates. The IDM Document Type ID is sent in a POST API request to the IDM Document Output Management Service. If the IDM Document Type ID field is blank, the default templates are used.
IDM From Email Address
Specify the email address to be used by IDM when generating and sending statements by email. If this field is blank, the email address from SA Operator Setup for the user running the Customer Entry Statement Print Report is used. If no email is assigned to the SA Operator Setup record, the default email address set up in IDM is used.
IDM From Email Name
Specify the person's name to be used by IDM when generating and sending statements by email. If this field is blank the name from SA Operator Setup for the user running the Customer Entry Statement Print Report is used. If no email is assigned to the SA Operator Setup record, the default email name set up in IDM is used.
IDM Template Name
Specify SXStatementTemplate. The IDM Template Name is sent in a POST API request to the IDM Document Output Management Service. If the IDM Template Name field is blank, the default statement template is used.
Level 1 and Level 2 Extra Fields
If you selected an Output Type of Third Party, Infor Reporting and Third Party, IDM Output Management, or IDM Output Management and Third Party, specify any extra fields to include in the SXFileTransport BOD or to ION API. Separate each extra field with a comma. Extra data fields are retrieved from the tables specific to the document. For customer statements, the Level 1 Extra Fields are retrieved from the ARSC table, and the Level 2 Extra Fields are from the ARET or OEEH table.
Note: To include table array fields, also specify the array number in the field. For example, the aret.exchgrate[1] field should be specified in the Level 1 Extra Fields as aret.exchgrate1.
Extra fields are written to the ESBEXTRADATA table and are used by the SXFileTransport BOD if you are sending third-party output. Extra fields are written to a POST API request to the IDM Document Output Management Service REST API call if you are sending the form to IDM.
Minimum Balance to Print

Use this option to suppress the printing of statements. Specify the minimum balance at which a statement is not generated for customers with an account balance at or below this amount.

Output Type
This field is required if you select 4 as the Print Format.
Select Infor Reporting to send the statement to the Infor Reporting application. An XML-formatted file is sent to ION in a Report BOD. Infor Reporting is the default Output Type if you are running CloudSuite Distribution.

Select Third Party if you are using a third-party forms printing application to print your statements. An XML-formatted file is sent to ION in a SXFileTransport BOD.

Select Infor Reporting and Third Party to send statements to both Infor Reporting and a third-party forms printing application. Both the Report and SXFileTransport BOD are sent to ION.
Select IDM Output Management if you are using Infor Document Management to generate and store statements. The output is sent to IDM Output Management Service in a REST API call.
Select IDM Output Management and Third Party to send statements to both IDM and a third-party forms application. This option should be selected in these cases:
  • To generate a SXFileTransport BOD to view the values passed in the XML file for each statement. The XML output can assist in troubleshooting and to verify that the values on the forms match what is passed from Distribution SX.e.
  • To generate a SXFileTransport BOD to use for mapping your own custom form template, rather than using the default SX Form Templates stored in IDM.

    See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide or Infor Distribution SX.e Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service for information on enabling IDM for forms printing.

Print Format

This option determines the type of output that is created when you print statements.

Select 1 if you use standard statements. The standard system headings and invoice payment information print on the statements.

Select 3 if you are using a third-party forms application such as NowDocs or Unform with Distribution SX.e on-premises. This format is not supported for CloudSuite Distribution.

Select 4 to produce XML output. XML output is required for forms that are sent to Infor Reporting, Infor Document Management, or some third-party forms printing applications. When you specify 4, you must also select an Output Type. Format 4 with an Output Type of Infor Reporting is the default format selected for all forms if you are running CloudSuite Distribution.

Select 2 or 9 if you have developed a custom print routine to print statements. The custom routine must control whether statement headings print and the format to use when printing invoice payment information. If you select 9, the aresc.r program is executed when you print checks.

Format 2 or 9 are not supported for CloudSuite Distribution.

Print Headings

Select this value to print the standard heading. If you use preprinted forms, do not select this value.