OT Vessel Entry - Overseas Trade Details - Header field descriptions


Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Actual Arrival Date

The actual date that the vessel arrived in the domestic port. This must not be a future date. The stage of any associated tracking documents moves to 4-Arrived when this date is entered.

Actual Departure Date

The actual date on which the vessel left the overseas port. The stage of any associated tracking documents moves to 3-Shipped when this date is entered.

Actual Unload Date

The actual date by which the containers on the vessel were unloaded and ready for shipment to your warehouse. This should not be a future date. Demurrage fees may apply once the containers are unloaded and stored in the port, so these dates should be monitored closely.

Estimated Arrival Date

The estimated date that the vessel is due to arrive in the domestic port.

Estimated Departure Date

The estimated date that the vessel is expected to depart the overseas port.

Estimated Unload Date

The estimated date when the containers on the vessel will be unloaded and can be transferred to your warehouse.

Revised Arrival Date

A revised date on which the vessel is due to arrive in the domestic port, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.

Revised Departure Date

A revised date on which the vessel is due to depart, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual departure date.

Revised Unloaded Date

A revised date when the containers are available and ready for shipment to your warehouse, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.


Country of Destination

The vessel’s final country of destination. This must be set up in SA Table Values Setup-Country Code.

Country of Origin

The country where the shipment on this vessel originates. This must be set up in SA Table Values Setup-Country Code.

Ship Company

The name of the company carrying the shipment.

Shipment ID

The shipment ID, if one has been assigned by the shipping company.

Vessel Name

The name of the vessel. This value is carried over to any associated tracking documents in Transaction Entry.

Voyage #

The number of the voyage assigned to this vessel. This value is carried over to any associated tracking documents in Transaction Entry.