Purchasing widgets
These purchasing widgets are available:
Vendor Lookup
Shows the vendors that are available in the company that is selected in the configuration settings for the widget. You can conduct a search, based on the vendor name, to locate a vendor. You can expand each available vendor to view basic address information.
The information in all other vendor-related widgets is based on the Vendor Lookup widget. The vendor number and other information is sent from the Vendor Lookup widget to the other widgets.
Vendor Balance
Shows the Current Balance, Last Invoice, On Order Balance, Rebate Balance, Last Purchase Order Issued, # of Purchase Orders Late, Last Payment, and Last Purchase Order Date. You can click in the vendor number link to open the vendor record in Vendor Inquiry.
Vendor Period Balance
Shows the period balance. You can configure the widget to display the information in different types of charts, such as a line or bar chart. You can hold your mouse over an object that represents a period, such as a bar, to view the exact amount.
Vendor Purchase Orders
Shows PO #, Vendor #, Stage, Ship To Warehouse, Warehouse Name, and Transaction Type. You can search by PO #, Stage, and Transaction Type within the grid. You can click an order number link to open the order in Purchase Order Inquiry.
Vendor Details
Shows general detail information from the Vendor record such as Expediter, Expediter Phone #, Our Customer#, Invoice Type, Sales Rep, and Sales Rep Phone #. You can click in the vendor number link to open the vendor record in Vendor Inquiry.
Item Usage
Shows Month, Year, Usage, Override Usage, and Reason, based on the values that are selected in the Product Lookup and Warehouse Lookup widgets.