Sales Entry Advance Shipping Notice (856) Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Order Types (S)O, (D)O, (B)R, or (A)LL

Specify S to include stock orders.

Specify D to include direct orders.

Specify B to include blanket releases.

Specify A to include all types.

Stage (S)hipped, (I)nvoiced, or (B)oth

Specify S to include Stage 3 (Shipped) of qualifying orders.

Specify I to include Stage 4 (Invoiced) of qualifying orders.

Specify B to include both stages of qualifying orders.

EDI Flat File Directory

Optionally, specify the directory to store the EDI outbound files. This directory overrides the default EDI outbound directory specified in SA Company Setup-Required.

Do not use this option in CloudSuite Distribution.

Enter List Of Order #’s?

Select Yes to enter an unlimited number of individual order numbers. Click List to display the Order List window.

An advance shipping notice date is not verified if a list of orders is specified. Advance shipping notices are sent for all orders entered.