Setting up international export hold
Use these instructions to enable international export
- Create the hold code in SA Administrator Option-Documents-Sales Orders. Specify the hold code in the For International Sales Approval field. We recommend a descriptive code, such as I for international.
- In Product Warehouse Description Setup-General-Settings, select the Review International Sales option. Repeat this setting for every warehouse you want to enable this feature for.
- In SA Operator Setup-Entry Options select Allow Override of Intl Approval Status for every operator you want to review and approve international holds.
For those operators who review and approve international export
holds, make these changes to the Sales Order
Entry user interface:
- Select Show International Approval in Header Info in the Order Entry Defaults window to display international approval fields.
- Use the Personalize feature to add the International Approval field to the Initiate view.
- Set up an alert using the oe-internationalhold event in SA Event Manager Activate Event. This event works similar to the oe-credhold event, but includes the ability to add the country code to the optional text. For example, This order is on International export hold for country code <country>.