Setting up vertical market information for base price inquiries

The template for the Pricing Vertical Customer business rule is included in SA Table Code Value Setup in standard Distribution SX.e. The description on the template, which you can change, is the name of the rule in SA Business Rule Setup. The Rule value in the instructions is the default value from standard Distribution SX.e.

  1. Select Customer > Setup > Customer.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Customer #
    Specify a number to identify the generic customer for the vertical market.
    Specify the name of the vertical market.
  4. Complete the required information, and then click Save.
  5. Optionally, specify the price type that supports the vertical market:
    1. Click the Ordering tab.
    2. Specify a value in the Price Type field.
      To specify more than one price type, click Multiple Price Type.
  6. Complete the record.
  7. Set up pricing records and pricing sheets for the vertical market.
  8. Select System Administrator > Setup > Business Rule.
  9. Click New.
  10. Select Company Wide.
  11. Specify this information:
    Specify the company to which the rule applies.
    Specify Specify Pricing Vertical Customer.
    Attribute Name
    Specify the name of the vertical market, up to 24 characters.
    Rule Value
    Specify the number for the generic customer for the vertical market.
  12. Click Save.