Purchase Demand Center Entry field descriptions
Click a link below to access the field descriptions for each view.
- Report #
Represents the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report (PO RRAR) report number assigned automatically by the system. Each report number contains product to be purchased, organized by vendor by product line. Report numbers, when merged, become purchase orders.
- Order Point
If there are one or more line items on the report that are below their order point, this field alerts the buyer to deal with them before they are out of stock. The letter O is used as an indicator.
- Doc
If one or more line items are nonstocks or specials, this field displays a D. When these reports are merged, they become purchase order tied to the Sales Order Entry orders that created the demand.
- Cons
Used in central purchasing, if a report has already been set up to consolidate product lines or warehouses, this column contains a Y to indicate it is set up.
- Name
The vendor's lookup name for each PO RRAR shown.
- Product Line
The product line for each PO RRAR shown.
- To
Represents the warehouse to which the vendor should ship the merchandise. The address of the ship to (warehouse) from the Product Warehouse Description Setup record is displayed on the header and can be overridden.
- Bill
Determined according to the bill to warehouse specified on the ship to warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup record. You can change it. The bill to warehouse indicates the actual location to which the vendor should send the invoice.
Sometimes the ship to and bill to warehouses are the same. The address associated with the bill to warehouse is included on the header but cannot be overridden.
- Buyer
The buyer is responsible for purchasing the products in this product line. This person has primary responsibility for reviewing the line and properly determining which products qualify for the current order. If the report was generated in Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report, the program buyer is displayed.
- Create Date
The date the PO RRAR was created.
- Amount
The total amount for each PO RRAR shown. The Amount is calculated when the Recommended Replenishment Acceptance Type option selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Order-Replenishment is Default Line Acceptance to Yes. If set to Default Line Acceptance to No, the amount is defaulted as zero.
- % Target
The percent of the product line target reached for the RRAR shown. Percent of target is calculated when the Recommended Replenishment Acceptance Type option selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Order-Replenishment is Default Line Acceptance to Yes. If set to Default Line Acceptance to No, the percent of target is defaulted as zero.
- Merge
Indicates if the PO RRAR is ready to be merged. This field is used with the Purchase Entry Buyers Control Center Merge option. All PO RRARs displayed with their field set to Yes are merged. If you set this option to No and specify this report in the Report List option in Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process, this message is displayed when you process the report:
Cannot Process; RRAR Merge Flag Set to No (6600)
PO RRAR reports that are at 100% of target are ready to be merged and the Merge field is automatically set to Yes.
- # Lns
The number of line items on the PO RRAR report and the number of lines that will be on the purchase order created when the PO RRAR is merged. If you have chosen to view surplus on a PO RRAR, the extra surplus lines are not counted separately because they reference other ways to replenish one product.
- Super
This column shows the number of supersede items on each report where inventory exists for the old, superseded items. This information is not “real time.” That is, it is only reflective of the products on the PO RRAR that qualified for the report at the time the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report was run. It is not refreshed when you view the report line in the grid.
- Bill To
Display purposes only. The bill-to address indicates the address to which the vendor should send invoices. On PO RRARs or Purchase Entry Program Purchase Reports where a bill to address does not exist, the billing address and shipping address is the same.
The bill to warehouse is defined on the ship to warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup record.
- Order Discount Type
Relates to the Order Discount field. It indicates whether the discount is calculated as a Percent or Amount.
- Net Discount Amount
Displays the net discount amount, based on the whole order discount percentage or amount.
- Current Discount
The target buy level discount you are trying to achieve from the Product Line Setup record. It is the discount associated with the target buy amount.
- Quantity Order
The total quantity ordered for all line items on the order.
- Order
The total net sale of all the line items entered on this order. This does not include addon amounts.
- Weight
The total weight of all products ordered. The weight is always based on the stocking quantity ordered of the products because they are set up that way on the Product Setup records. The stocking quantity ordered appears on the Extended view.
- Cubes
Similar to weight, but reflects the volume of the products ordered.
- Target Quantity
Based on the product line specified on the banner. This is the target amount you want to achieve when placing an order to take advantage of a particular discount. The target buy amount is either based on the quantity ordered, total order amount, total weight, or total cubes. T is displayed next to the Buy type used in calculating the target.
- Short
The Short of Target field indicates the amount you are under or over the target specified with the Target Buy Level field on the Product Line Setup record. The percentage you are short appears to the right of the field in the Adjust Req field. The amount you are short is based on either the quantity ordered, total order amount, total weight, or total cubes, depending on your target type. If you are over the target, both fields display a negative number.
If you are short or over your target, you can click
to increase or decrease the line items by a proportional amount to reach your target. - Adjust By
The initials of the buyer.
- Minimum Buy Amount
The value from the Product Line Setup Minimum Buy field. This is displayed to alert you to the vendor's minimum requirement. If there is no value in the Product Line Setup field, this field label is not shown.
Line Items
- Nonstock
The Non-stock field. Lines can be designated as being nonstock (manual), special, or blank for regular lines.
- The field is set by the PO RRAR when a sales order or transfer nonstock line item is picked up by the PO RRAR.
- Sales order and transfer line items are included on the PO RRAR report if they pass the necessary criteria.
- Comment
If a comment is attached to this line, an asterisk is displayed in this field.
- Lock
This field is updated by choosing Acp field is changed to Y (if it is N) and an l is displayed in the Lck field. This indicates the line is locked and it is excluded from being adjusted when the % Adjust function is used. This can also be invoked on the Extended view.
. When you click , the - Product
The product number. Click the link in this column to access Product Inquiry.
- Description
The product description.
- Warehouse
Only one vendor review line is created for each line item, but for each warehouse with surplus, a warehouse review line is created as well. The vendor review line is displayed first and **** is displayed in the Whse field because no warehouse is associated with the vendor. However, for each warehouse review line, the warehouse with existing surplus is displayed in the Whse field.
- Price
Calculated based on the buying unit. The price is always representative of the unit entered on the line, except for special cost items. PD Pricing Setup-Vendor Pricing is checked to verify if a discount record exists for the product. If a discount record does exist, the price is calculated from the price/discount on that record. If a discount record does not exist, the replacement or last cost is used from Product Warehouse Product Setup. This is dependent on the selection you make in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults PO Entry.
- Quantity Break
Indicates that quantity breaks exist and have been met for this product. If quantity breaks exist and the price is based on the Price/Discounting record, a q is displayed in this field.
- Line #
The Ln# field identifies the line you are currently changing. When you first access this view, the cursor is positioned in the Acp field. The line number is an identifier to allow you to match the line item displayed on the window with the line item printed on the report.
A maximum of 999 lines can be processed for each report that is generated.
The Product Line Setup discount is calculated for the combined purchase orders.
- Sequence #
One purchase order line can be attached to several sales orders or transfers. If the tie is ever broken between the order or transfer, the sequence number is removed.
- Target
The target buy amount is based on the Product Line Setup record of the product line specified on the banner. If this report was created in Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report, the target is taken from the report parameters. This is the target amount you want to achieve when placing an order to take advantage of a particular discount.
The target buy amount is either based on the quantity ordered, total order amount, total weight, or total cubes. T is displayed next to the quantity ordered, order, weight, or cubes to indicate the buy type used in calculating the target.
- Quantity
The total quantity ordered for all line items on the order. Click the link in this column to access Product Availability Inquiry.
- Order
The total net sale of all the line items entered on this order. This does not include addon amounts.
- Weight
The total weight of all products ordered. The weight is always based on the stocking quantity of the products ordered since that is the way they are set up on the Product Setup records. The stocking quantity ordered appears on the Extended view.
- Cubes
Similar to weight, but reflects the volume of the products ordered.
- Buying Unit
The default is set to null for a non-stock line. You can update this Product Warehouse Product Setup field directly by selecting Extend and click the Ordering view. Any change you make repopulates the field in the grid when you click .
- Standard Pack
The default is set to null for a non-stock line. You can update this Product Warehouse Product Setup field directly. Click and select the Ordering view. Any change you make repopulates the field in the browser when you click .
- Customer Name
The field is populated if the PO RRAR line is tied to a sales order. The Customer Name value from the sales order is defaulted.
- Customer #
The field is populated if the PO RRAR line is tied to a sales order. The Customer # from the sales order is used. The Customer # column header is a hyperlink to Customer Inquiry.
- Taken By
The field is populated if the PO RRAR line is tied to a sales order. The Taken By value from the sales order is defaulted.
- Suspended
The field is populated if the PO RRAR line is tied to a sales order and the order is suspended (indicated by an s in this field).
- Net Available
This column displays the Net Avail from Purchase Demand Center Entry-Extend. This represents the quantity that is immediately available to sell at the time a purchase order is created.
Shopping List
- Keys
You can specify keywords to search for products. For example, if you specify saw and press , a list of all products ordered from this vendor that have the word saw in the name are displayed. Use the Lookup to indicate if all the keywords you specify must exist, or if it can be one or another.
- Product Search
Allows you to perform a search for products based on certain criteria.
- Total Recommended With Shopping List
The total of all lines' Net Ordered amount.
- Total Ordered
The total of all the products you have listed in the shopping list.
- Product
The name of the product that was added to the shopping list from the PO Line Review window.
- Description
A description of the entered product from Product Setup.
- Recommended
The quantity that the system recommended you purchase the last time you ran the PO RRAR. The Qty Ord is the amount you actually order.
- Ordered
The quantity ordered for this product. This amount is tied to the Order Quantity field in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Unit
From the buying unit or stocking unit if buying unit is not specified on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record.
- Price
Calculated based on the buying unit. This price always represents the unit entered on the line, except for special cost items.
- Q
The quantity break for this product.
- Net Ordered
The total of the lines' Net Ordered amount.
- Whse
The warehouse the product is stored in is displayed in this field.
- Available
The buyer's available quantity of the product. Net Available is calculated as
Qty On Hand - Qty Reserved - Qty Committed
. - PCat
The product category this product belongs to.
- Lookup Name
The product lookup name.
- Cost
Indicates the cost for you to purchase the product.
- Margin Amt
The margin amount for this product.
- Margin %
The margin percent for this product.
- Last Purc Dt
The last date you ordered this product.
- Last Price
The price you paid for this product the last time you purchased it.
- Total Stk Qty
The total stock quantity for this product.
When a Product Replenishment Setup record exists and a PO RRAR has an exception, use the Messages view to review the exception messages that caused the line item to be an exception.