Product Warehouse Description Setup - Extended field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

Click a link to access field descriptions for that section:

Warehouse Transfer

Package Shipping Info

Authorized Replenishment Path


Service Warranty


SRO Addons


Warehouse Transfer

Approval Type

The shipping warehouse can approve or disapprove the warehouse transfer before it affects their inventory, depending on the Approval Type option, No, Requested, or Yes. The approval flag for each product on the warehouse transfer defaults based on the operator's SA Operator Setup record. Each option has a dramatically different effect on how warehouse transfers are approved. Refer to this table for the security settings and how they impact the approval of transfers. Supporting text follows the table.

SA Operator Setup Approval Whse ICSD Ship From Whse Approve Wt WTET Line Item Approve Default WTET Line Item Approve Enterable New Transfer's Stage
* or Ship From/Co # No, Requested, or Yes Approve Yes Ordered
Not Ship From Whse No or Yes (ARP is followed) Approve No Ordered
Not Ship From Whse Requested or Yes (ARP not followed) Requested No Requested
blank No or Yes (ARP is followed) Approve No Ordered
blank Requested or Yes (ARP not followed) Requested No Requested
  • If the Approval Whse field in the operator's SA Operator Setup record is * or equal to the ship-from warehouse and Approval Type field in the ship from warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup record is No, Requested, or Yes, the stage is Ordered (Stage 1), and the Approve Type field on the Transfer Entry Line Items view defaults to Yes and is enterable. This is the case whether the ARP (Authorized Replenishment Path) is followed or not (see the first line of the table above).
  • If the operator's SA Operator Setup Approval Whse field is not equal to the ship-from warehouse, and the ship from warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup Approval Type field is No or ARP, and the ARP is followed, the stage is Ordered (Stage 1), and the Approve Type field on the Transfer Entry Line Items view is Yes and is not enterable (see the second line of the table).
  • If the operator's SA Operator Setup Approval Whse field is not equal to the ship from warehouse, and the ship from warehouse's Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup Approval Type field is Requested or Yes and the ARP is not followed, the stage is Requested (Stage 0), and the Approve Type field on the Transfer Entry Line Items view is Requested and is not enterable (see the third line of the table).
  • If the operator's SA Operator Setup Approval Whse field is blank and the ship-from warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup Approval Type field is No or Yes and the ARP is followed, the stage is Ordered (Stage 1), and the Approve Type field on the Transfer Entry Line Items view is Yes and is not enterable (see the fourth line of the above table).
  • If the operator's SA Operator Setup Approval Whse field is blank and the ship-from warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup Approval Type field is Requested or Yes and the ARP is not followed, the stage is Requested (Stage 0), and the Approve Type field on the Transfer Entry Line Items view is Requested and is not enterable (see the fifth line of the table).
B/O Open

Select this option if open warehouse transfers are allowed to produce back orders when there is a shortage of the products ordered. The back orders can be manually filled or automatically filled through Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill. This function can be performed through Sales Order Entry or automatically through Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory and Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory. Back orders are created depending on the Create WT Back Order At Which Stage option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders.

Clear this option in the ship from's warehouse record if open warehouse transfers are to be shipped with the current quantity available for each product ordered and back orders are not produced.

Tied Warehouse Transfers

When a tied warehouse transfer (WT) is created, these situations determine whether the line can be back ordered:

  • If the order is Ship Complete or Tag and hold, then the WT can be back ordered.
  • If the order allows back orders, then the WT allows back orders.
  • If the order line is tied to a DO WT, then the WT allows back orders.
  • If none of the above conditions are met, then the Product Warehouse Description Setup B/O Open option is honored.
  • If a WT is created in Transfer Entry or through the WT RRAR, then the B/O Open option is honored.

One capitalized warehouse transfer addon can be added on each transfer. The ship from warehouse determines what the capitalized addons are, and the addon defaults from the Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup record for each transfer entered for the ship from warehouse. The ship from warehouse considers the Cap Addon as revenue.

The Distribute by option on the receiving warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup record is checked to determine how the addon is distributed. The requesting warehouse's Product Warehouse Description Setup record is checked during Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory to determine how the addons should be distributed. Capitalized addons are included with the inventory value when the journal updates General Ledger.

  Warehouse Main  
Cap WT Addon: 5.00 % Distribute By: Amount
Exp WT Addon: 1.50 %  
  Warehouse West  
Cap WT Addon: 4.50 % Distribute By: Units
Exp WT Addon: 1.75 %  
Ship From Warehouse Main Ship To Warehouse West
Addon: $10.00 ???? Addon: $10.00

The addon is calculated in the ship from warehouse based on 5.00%. It is not recalculated at the ship to warehouse even though the Cap Addon percent is different, but the Dist by option (Units) in the ship to warehouse is used to determine how to distribute the $10.00 addon to the line items.

You cannot override the capitalized addon on the transfer or the amounts distributed to each line item when the transfer is received.

Capitalized Addon Type

The addon type is specified in the field immediately to the right of the Capitalized field and can be Percent, Amount per Transfer, or For Each Line.

For Each Line indicates that the amount specified in the Capitalized field is charged for each line item added to the warehouse transfer. The amount is multiplied by the number of lines on the transfer to determine the entire capitalized addon amount.

If Percent is selected, the addon is calculated as a percent of the entire transfer.

If Amount per Transfer is selected, the addon is a flat rate for the entire transfer.

Distribute By

Options for distributing the capitalized addon are Amount, Units, Cubes, Weight, or None.

If Weight, Cubes, Amount, or Units is selected and the addon is an amount, the amount is prorated against each line item based on their total weight, cube, net amount, or units.

If the addon is a percent, the percent is multiplied against the line's total weight, cube, net amount, or units.

If the method of distributing capitalized addons is None, you cannot specify a capitalized addon in Transfer Entry or Transfer Shipping Entry if this warehouse is the receiving warehouse. The Capitalize and Type fields on the Review & Totals view are not accessible.

Expensed Addon

The ship from warehouse determines what the expensed addons are, and the addon defaults from the Product Warehouse Description Setup record for the each transfer entered for the ship from warehouse. The addon is expensed to the addon expense account you specify for this warehouse record.

You cannot capitalize the expensed addon. If you need to capitalize the addon, add it to the capitalized addon.

Expensed Addon Type

The expense addon type can be Percent, Amount per Transfer, or For Each Line. It also defaults on each transfer entered along with the Expensed Addon.

Select For Each Line and the amount specified in the Expensed Addon field is charged for each line item added to the transfer. The amount is multiplied by the number of lines on the transfer to determine the entire expensed addon amount. 

Select Percent and the addon is calculated as a percent of the entire transfer.

Select Amount per Transfer and the addon is a flat rate.

For the Percent and Amount per Transfer options, the addon is for the entire transfer, not each line item.

Markup Cost

When the transfer markup addon functionality is activated, this field is displayed. Optionally, you can use this Markup Cost to override the company-wide Markup Cost setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing. Select from Average, Last, Replacement, and Standard. With the override, you set the override on the receiving warehouse Product Warehouse Description Setup record, and the cost from the receiving warehouse’s Product Warehouse Product Setup record is used.

Round Only

The transfer unit from Product Warehouse Product Setup is used as a rounding factor and transfer unit or simply as a rounding factor when calculating the quantity to order on the WT RRAR.

Select this option and the system uses the unit as a factor for rounding, but continues to express the results in stocking units. For example, the Product Warehouse Product Setup Transfer Unit is cs24 (case of 24), and the stocking unit is each. The recommended order quantity is 21 each, and based on WT rounding, would be 2 cases. The WT RRAR would recommend ordering 24 each instead of 2 cases.

The Product Replenishment Setup-Rounding settings work in conjunction with the Round Only setting. If this setting is selected, when the Product Replenishment Setup-Rounding record indicates transfer or buying unit rounding, the order quantity is also rounded to the corresponding unit.

Package Shipping Info

Invoice Printer

If you selected the Print Invoice at Shipping option, specify the printer (with a valid record in SA Printer Setup) to which the invoices are to print.

Pick Ticket Printer

If you selected the Print Pick Ticket at Shipping option, specify the printer (valid in SA Printer Setup) to which the pick tickets are to print.

Print Invoices at Shipping

Select this option and the shipping interface validates this field at the time of shipping to determine if the invoice is to be printed.

Print Pick Ticket at Shipping

Select this option and the shipping interface validates this field at the time of shipping to determine if the pick ticket or invoice is to be printed.

If this option is selected, and only one warehouse ships packages in the shipping interface, this printer is used. If more than one warehouse ships through the shipping interface, the printer specified on the shipping interface login is used to print documents.

Authorized Replenishment Path

Allow Usage Move

To enable usage and replenishment for a tiered and preferred product, set the Allow Usage Move value to Yes. If this value is set to No, the system does not calculate usage and replenishment for any product in this warehouse. This option must be set in conjunction with assigning a numeric priority to a Product Preference in SA Table Code Values Setup, and clearing the Exclude Usage Move option in Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Push / Pull

If your authorized replenishment path is a warehouse, indicate if stock is automatically pushed from a central warehouse to a remote warehouse for replenishment or if the remote warehouse must request stock from the central warehouse before a shipment is made. The Push option is automatically defaulted in Product Warehouse Product Setup for each new product added for this warehouse.


The Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) is the standard method this warehouse uses to obtain products. The products in this warehouse can be received from a specific vendor or warehouse, supplied from a Central Whse, assembled from a prebuilt Kit work order, supplied under a VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) agreement, or blank. The ARP entered is defaulted to each new product set up for this warehouse.

Note: Use caution if you set the ARP field to VMI because every product record created for this warehouse will contain an ARP of VMI. When set, the PO RRAR will not review the Product Warehouse Product Setup records set up in this warehouse. Therefore, if you are using the ARP field as a default for newly-created product records, specify the standard method of replenishing the majority of products and manually change the Product Warehouse Product Setup records for those products that contain a different ARP.

Specifying an assigned vendor number limits this warehouse to only the specified vendor. This field allows you to set up a warehouse within your physical warehouse that stores products sourced by one single vendor. This special product or line of products is ordered, received, and stored in this special warehouse within a warehouse.



The initials of the operator you want to assign as the branch manager for this warehouse. The initials you specify in this field are used when event notifications are sent to the branch manager for events that occur in a specific warehouse. Event actions are defined in SA Event Mgr Activate Event Entry.


The initials of the operator you want to assign as the operations manager for this warehouse. The initials you specify in this field are used when event notifications are sent to the operations manager for events that occur in a specific warehouse. Event actions are defined in SA Event Mgr Activate Event Entry.


The initials of the operator you want to assign as the regional manager for this warehouse. The initials you specify in this field are used when event notifications are sent to the regional manager for events that occur in a specific warehouse. Event actions are defined in SA Event Mgr Activate Event Entry.

Service Warranty

Claim # Begin / Next / Ending

Set up warranty claim numbers for each warehouse. Unique numbers are critical and should be assigned to each warehouse. The begin and next numbers default to 1, although any number can be specified to designate separate locations.

SRO # Begin / Next / Ending

Set up Service Repair Order (SRO) numbers for each warehouse. Unique numbers are critical and should be assigned to each warehouse. The begin and next numbers default to 1, although any number can be specified to designate separate locations.


Split Bill

Select this option to delay processing an invoice for back ordered components. All or a portion of the kit is billed according to the Split Billing window that appears when a partial kit back order is created. The price of the parent line is recalculated according to the net amount or percent you specify on the Split Billing window.

SRO Addons

Addons 1-4

Four addons codes can be specified per warehouse and default to the SW SRO Transaction Entry header when you specify a warehouse unless they have been excluded at the customer level in Customer Setup. These addon charges are added to any tied orders created.


Back Order Ship Complete

If this field is selected, all first-generation backorders (-01 suffix) for Stock Orders (SO) and Counter Sale (CS) orders are set to Ship Complete automatically, unless the order contains drop ship lines or the order has a Just-in-time (JIT) disposition. This field applies only on the initial backorder. If an order is split, Distribution SX.e assigns the setting of the initial order to the new order created by the split. To prevent the split order from being set to Ship Complete, clear this option before the split.

Create Order Entry Back Orders At Stage

Indicate the stage at which you want to create sales order back orders. The setting you choose here overrides the company level setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders. If you leave this field blank, the company level setting takes effect.

Note:  TWL warehouses are an exception. If you leave the Create Order Entry Back Orders at Stage field blank, back orders are created at stage 2-Picking for TWL warehouses.
Scanning Workflow: Scan Individual Products when Shipping

If you use the Product method to process lines on a hand-held RF unit, this option determines the default scan workflow you use to ship a sales order or warehouse transfer.

These workflows are available:

  • Scan product/enter quantity workflow

    If the Scanning Workflow: Scan Individual Products When Shipping? option is blank, you scan a product and then specify a quantity. If serial or lot numbers are required, you must manually access the screen to specify the control numbers

  • Scan individual products workflow

    If the Scanning Workflow: Scan Individual Products When Shipping? option is selected, you must scan each product individually. If the product is serial- or lot-controlled, you are prompted to scan the control number for that product. The control number is required. After you scan a product and, optionally, a control number, you can scan another product

    You can scan products in any order. If you scan a product that was previously scanned, the line for that product is displayed, and the scanned quantity is increased by one.

    You receive an error if you scan more than the quantity ordered, scan a product that is not on the order, or scan a product that has been fully shipped.

    If a product is on the order more than once, the lowest line number will be shipped before the next line number with the product is processed. After all lines have been processed, then kit components are checked.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Enterprise Printing Platform.