Record count limit
Use the record count functionality to restrict the number of records returned when performing an inquiry, in functions such as Transfer Inquiry, Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, or Purchase Demand Center Entry. Limiting the record count expedites the inquiry process when a large number of records meet the search criteria.
For example, if you specify 100 in the Record Limit field and click , the first 100 records that match the search criteria are displayed even though there may be more records that match the search criteria. A warning message is displayed if the record count has been reached, so you can narrow the search using additional search criteria.
The default record count limit is 500 records. Although you can set the
record count limit in several functions, the changes you make only affect the current
Note: The Record Limit field is also available in Advanced
Search. If it is not displayed by default, you can select it in the Criteria field.