Product GAP Report ranges and options
- Warehouse
Optionally, specify a warehouse. Leave this option blank to include all warehouses that fall within the other report parameters that you specify.
The warehouse is included in the detail line items sections of the report.
- Show Early Products?
Select Yes to list the products that will arrive early, based on the values in the D)ays Early or P)ercent Safety Early and Actual # of Days or Percent Safety options. The report calculates the number of days ahead of the cushion.
- D)ays Early or P)ercent Safety Early
Specify D to indicate that the value in the Actual # of Days or Percent Safety option represents the number of days that the product will be early.
Specify P to indicate that the value in the Actual # of Days or Percent Safety option represents a safety percentage.
- Actual # of Days or Percent Safety
If you specified D in the D)ays Early of P)ercent Safety Early option, specify the number of days early. We recommend that you accept the default value.
If you specified P in the D)ays Early of P)ercent Safety Early option, specify the safety percentage. We recommend that you specify 50.
The number is multiplied by the safety allowance quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering to obtain a quantity of product. That number is then divided by the average days usage to determine the number of days that the stock will arrive early, ahead of demand.
- Show Late Products?
Select Yes to include the products that are due to arrive late, based on the values in the D)ays Late or P)ercent Safety Late and Actual # of Days or Percent Safety options.
- D)ays Late or P)ercent Safety Late
Specify D to indicate that the value in the next Actual # of Days or Percent Safety option represents the number of days that the product will arrive late.
Specify P to indicate that the value in the Actual # of Days or Percent Safety option represents a safety percentage.
- Actual # of Days or Percent Safety
If you specified D in the D)ays Late or P)ercent Safety Late option, specify the number of days late. This value is be compared to the lead time, or ship date if it was manually entered on the purchase order or warehouse transfer. If the product will not be received by the time available inventory reaches zero, the product is included on the report. We recommend that you accept the default value.
If you specified P in the D)ays Late or P)ercent Safety Late option, specify the safety percentage. We recommend that you specify 50.
The number is multiplied by the safety allowance quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering to obtain a quantity of product. That number is then divided by the average days usage to determine the number of days that the stock will arrive late.
- Rank Selection (A,B,… or Blank For All)
Specify a rank level or range of rank levels to include only products that fall within the ranks. Leave the option blank to include all ranks.
- Sort By: D)ays,R)ank,P)Cat,V)end,B)uyer
Specify D to sort products by days.
Specify R to sort by rank.
Specify P to sort by product category.
Specify V to sort by vendor.
Specify B to sort by buyer.
If you sort by days, the secondary sort is by warehouse, product line, and then product. If you sort by the other options, the secondary sort is by warehouse, product line, days late, days early, and then product.
- Use PO (D)ue Dt, (E)xp or (R)eq Ship Dt
Specify D to calculate the columns by the purchase order’s due date.
Specify E to use the purchase order’s expected ship date from the PO line.
Specify R to use the purchase order’s requested ship date.