Product Catalog Setup - Pricing field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

Click one of these links to access the field descriptions for a specific section:

Standard Price/Costing

Special Price/Costing



Standard Price/Costing

Alternate Product Price Code

Specify an alternate product pricing status or category for the catalog product, up to four alphanumeric characters.

Note:  If you specify an alternate product price code on the catalog record and create a stock product from the catalog product in Sales Order Entry, the alternate product price code on the product catalog record is copied to the new product setup record. If you create a product for a nonstock item without a catalog record or through Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry, you must edit the product in Product Setup to assign an alternate price code.
Auto Price

Use PD Automatic Pricing Setup to interface your Distribution SX.e system with an outside service bureau that specializes in providing pricing and descriptive product information on magnetic media, or with a manufacturer that provides product pricing. Each format that is created through PD Automatic Pricing Setup is assigned a user-defined 'type'. This 'type' serves as an identifier and must be entered in this field.

The Auto Pricing Type is used to find a real product from a pricing service number. Automatic pricing is price information that is updated by a pricing service bureau or a manufacturer that provides product pricing and provides the ability to maintain competitive, up-to-date price and cost information in your inventory control records.

Base Price

The base price for this catalog product, which is generally the standard retail price. The base price can be multiplied against the Price/Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry.

The Customer Setup record can be set up to always take the base price if you do not want to give the customer a price break. This field may be updated by PD Mass Maintenance Entry.

Exclude From Auto Vendor Reprice

Select this option to prevent the catalog product from being repriced through the automatic purchase order repricing feature. If you do not select this option, the catalog product, when entered as a nonstock line item on a purchase order, is repriced when these conditions are met:

  • An auto reprice percentage is specified on the Vendor Setup record for the vendor on the purchase order. The price of the product on the order is changed, based on the percentage.
  • A direct purchase order is created in Sales Order Entry, or auto vendor repricing is manually applied to the purchase order in Purchase Order Entry or Purchase Demand Center Entry.

This field is not available unless the automatic purchase order repricing feature is activated.

List Price

The list price for this catalog product if your preference is to record list prices. The list price can be multiplied against the Price/Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry. The date of the Last Price Chg field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is updated when list prices change. This field may be updated by The list price for this catalog product if your preference is to record list prices. The list price can be multiplied against the Price/Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry. The date of the Last Price Chg field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is updated when list prices change. This field may be updated by PD Mass Maintenance Entry.


The multiplier defaults for the Based On field in PD Pricing Setup-Customer but it can be changed. This setting also defaults in Sales Order Entry if there are no PD records in the system. The multiplier determines if the price multipliers are multiplied against the product's base price, list price, or cost. The multiplier is only used if the PD Pricing Setup-Customer price multipliers are percentages instead of amounts. It defaults to the Price/Discounting record from the product as each PD Pricing Setup-Customer record is added. The cost type in the Mark Up From field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs determines which cost is used in Product Catalog Setup.

Price Book Sequence #

The standard cost is user-defined. The standard cost could become the same as the replacement cost or not used at all. Each time the standard cost is changed, the date it was changed should be recorded as well.

Standard cost may be selected in Cost Type Assignments options in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs to update SM/GL, calculate prices or calculate commissions.

Changes to the standard cost can be made either directly or updated by Supplier Link Update Products (character version) or PD Maintenance Entry, or PD Administrator Future Price/CostsPD Administrator Price Costs Update.

Price Type

The product price type in PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup- Customer and PD Special Price Type Discounts Setup. The product price type in PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup-Customer is referred to as the product type instead of the product price type. The price types are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. When a valid price type is entered, the description appears to the right of the field.

Price type is beneficial for assigning a specific price level to certain types of products (for example, Electrical, Plumbing). The price type should be set up if pricing and discounting is going to be determined by product types. PD Pricing Setup Types 2, 4, and 8 use product type. The price type is also used to group products to grant the customer special grouping discounts as described in PD Special Price Type Discount Setup.

This field may be updated by PD Maintenance Entry.

Product Cost

Enter the cost of the catalog product to use in Sales Order Entry if the catalog product is entered as a non-stock product.

SL Date

This date applies if the product was imported into Distribution SX.e using the graphical function SL Administrator Import File Report.

This date reflects the most recent Supplier Link import date that involved this product even if Product Setup, Product Warehouse Product Setup, or Product Catalog Setup records did not change. You can use this date to identify the last date a product was in an update file or updated by Supplier Link.

Standard Cost

The standard cost is user-defined. The standard cost could become the same as the replacement cost or not used at all. Each time the standard cost is changed, the date it was changed should be recorded as well.

Standard cost may be selected in Cost Type Assignments options in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs to update SM/GL, calculate prices or calculate commissions.

Changes to the standard cost can be made either directly or updated by Supplier Link Update Products (character version) or PD Maintenance Entry, PD Administrator Price Costs Update, or PD Administrator Future Price/Costs.

Special Price/Costing

Price/Cost Units Per Stock Unit

If you chose Yes, Thousand, or Hundred in the Special Price/Cost field, this field is required. If you chose Yes, this field is used to determine the price and the cost of the product.

You cannot change the value in this field if balances exist in Warehouse Products Setup. Refer to the description of the Special Price/Cost field.

You do not have access to the Price/Cost Per Stock field unless you have supervisor status. The Supervisor Status field is set in SA Operator Setup.

If you specify 0, it is changed to a 1 to avoid division by zero errors.

Special Price/Cost

A special costing product is one that is billed from the vendor in terms of a unit that is not a simple multiple of the selling unit.

Changing this field after a product has been set up could have a serious effects on your records. Refer to the caution that follows for details. When you change this field, these records are affected:

  • Product Warehouse Product Setup
  • Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup
  • Product FIFO Setup
  • Product Extended Lot Number Setup
  • Product Extended Serial Number Setup
  • Product Special Price/Cost Setup
  • PD Pricing Setup: Customer, rebate, and vendor records

Because journals may be involved, these conditions are in effect:

  • A journal might be required in Product Setup if the special price/cost information changes, so you cannot access Product Setup if a journal is open.
  • If a journal was open in Product Setup, this message is displayed:

    Differences Due to Special Price. Cost Change Posted to Journal #### The system opened and closed the journal so you will not have to take any action.

  • A journal is opened only if there is a difference between the inventory value before the special price/cost change and the value after the change. Postings are made to the Inventory and the IC Cost Adjustments accounts. The reference on the GL Transaction Entry adjustment is ICSP Adjust for ICSS Chg or SLEU adjust for ICSS Chg, depending upon which function was run.
  • Because inventory value, instead of the inventory level, was changed, you must print the journal information from the GL Entry Journal Print Report and view the information in GL Journal Inquiry.
  • If No Journal Open is displayed, run the Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report to determine if manual postings are required:
Note:  Contact Infor Support before you attempt to change the Special Price/Cost and Price/Cost Units Per Stock Unit fields for an existing product record to discuss the effect the changes will have on your inventory, history, purchasing, orders, Inventory Control, Price/Discounting, and General Ledger records. This message is displayed when you make changes to the fields and save the product record:
WARNING: Changing Special Price/Cost – Manual GL Change May be Required 

The information in the aforementioned fields cannot be changed if balances exist in Product Warehouse Product Setup. Changing this information when balances exist in the Reserved, Committed, Backorder, On Order, Received, or WT In Transit/Ship Requests/Rcv Requests/Demand fields would cause an out-of-balance condition between Inventory Control and General Ledger. In addition, you do not have access to the Special Price/Cost and Price/Cost Per Stock fields unless you have supervisor status. The Supervisor Status field is set in SA Operator Setup.

The Special Price/Cost field can be Yes, Thousand, or Hundred. If you select Yes, this field is used to determine not only the price for Sales Order Entry, but also the cost of the product for purchase order. This allows you to take advantage of the special price/cost feature if thousand or hundred costing is too restrictive. The quantity on the line is multiplied by the unit conversion and the Price/Cost Per Stock.

If you choose Thousand, specify .001 in the Price/Cost Per Stock field and the product is priced per thousand. The extended price shown in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.

For example, suppose you stock electrical wire. The item is set up with these values:

  • Stocked by the foot or reel - FT or RL
  • Purchased by the foot - FT
  • Standard pack by the reel - RL
  • Prices and costs per 1000 feet - MF

A reel of electrical wire contains 250 feet. Your replenishment process suggests buying 400 feet to meet demand; however, the system would round up and suggest ordering 500 feet in order to avoid the charge for an incomplete reel. Your cost on the electrical wire is $650.00 per MF, resulting in a per reel cost of $162.50 and 65 cents per foot. You sell the wire for $1300.00 per MF. If a customer orders 75 feet, their price is $1300.00 per MF for a net of $97.50. Their invoice shows 1,300 C for price and $97.50 for net.

If you choose Hundred, specify .01 in the Price/Cost Per Stock field and the product is priced per hundred. The extended price in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.

A prebuilt or build-on-demand kit, and any or all components, might have a special price/cost. A special costing transaction is costed depending on the Product Setup Special Price/Cost setting. If this is Yes, Hundred, or Thousand, the special cost is updated by a factor of one, hundred, or thousand, respectively. Costing for kit components set up for special cost is calculated with this formula:

ICSW Cost * [(ICSP Price/Cost Units Per Stock Units) / (1, 100, or 1000)]

For example, kit ABC contains two components. Component 1 has an Product Warehouse Products Setup average cost of $5.00. The Product Setup Price/Cost Per Stock is hundred per 1. The component's cost is calculated as follows:

5 * 1 = .05


Component 2 has a Product Warehouse Products Setup average cost of $18.50. The Product Setup Price/Cost Per Stock is yes per .001. The component's cost is calculated as follows:

18.50 * .001 = .0185


If the kit product is not set up for special cost, its cost is the total of component costs, which would be $.0685. If the kit product is also set up for special costing, its cost is calculated with this formula after its components have been costed.

Total of component special costs / Kit ICSP Price/Cost Units Per Stock Unit * (1, 100, or 1000)

To continue the example from above, suppose the Product Setup Price/Cost Per Stock for the kit is Yes per .001. The average cost of the kit by rolling components is calculated as follows:

.05 + .0185 * 1 = 68.50


Component costing is determined per stocking unit. If the kit cost is a negative amount, updating does not take place.

Special Price/Cost Unit

The actual special unit for this product. The unit is basically symbolic in nature and provides a label for the special unit conversion previously entered.

Note:  This unit is generally not entered in Sales Order Entry unless it is set up in the SA Table Code Value Setup or Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup. If it is entered in one of the tables, specify the unit conversion the same as it is set up here. Setting it up differently can result in confusion when entering orders, and it increases the chance for mistakes.

If you change the special price/cost of a product, existing active and inactive transactions retain the special price/cost in effect at the time of entry. New sales orders, purchase orders, and so on that are entered after the change has been made reflect the new special price/cost information. Any calculations that use the special price/cost of a product use the special price/cost in effect at the time of entry. These modules are affected when you change this field:

  • Product Warehouse Product Setup
  • Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup
  • Product FIFO Setup
  • Product Extended Lot Number Setup
  • Product Extended Serial Number Setup
  • PD Pricing Setup - Customers : Customer, rebate, and vendor records

For special unit products, Price/Discounting records must be set up for the special price/cost unit. The prices and discounts on that record are based on the special unit. During Sales Order Entry, the prices and discount are multiplied by the special unit conversion to arrive at the correct price and discount.


Customer #1 places an order for 1 roll of PVC pipe. The Product record is set up as box. Price/Discounting has a pricing record based on Lb. The Sales Order Entry price and discount is determined by finding the Price/Discounting record and multiplying the price and discount by the Inventory Control special unit conversion.

Sales Order Entry Product Setup Price/Discounting
Customer #: 1 Product: PVC Customer #: 1
Product: PVC Stock Unit: Box Product: PVC
Unit: Roll Special Price/Cost: H Unit: Lb.
Price: $50.00 Special Conversion: 10.0 Price: $5.00
Discount: $5.00 Special Unit: Lb. Discount: 10%
Price = $5.00 x 10 Lbs. = $50.00
Discount = $5.00 x 10% x 10 Lbs. = $5.00



This cost is used in rebate calculations for PD Pricing Setup-Rebates records if theses conditions are met:

  • The Rebate Calc Type in PD Pricing Setup-Rebates is Percent, Net Amount, or Guaranteed Margin.
  • The Based On, Rebate From, Rebate Down To, or Margin Cost specified is Rebate.
Sub Type

Specify the rebate sub type for the product. The rebate sub type is set up in SA Table Code Values Setup.

When there is a discrepancy between the vendor on the rebate sub type record and the vendor number in Product Catalog Setup, a message is displayed. Because the message is a warning, the record is updated when you save the information.


The rebate type for this catalog product. You can use the rebate type to group products for rebate purposes when the vendor offers rebates on a group of products. The rebate type is set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

When there is a discrepancy between the vendor on the rebate type record and the vendor number in Product Catalog Setup, this message is displayed:

Warning: PDST Vendor Does Not Match ARP Vendor For Product (8053)
Because this is a warning, the record is updated when you save the information.


Country of Origin

Use to assign the Country of Origin; that is, where a product was manufactured, produced, or grown. When used in conjunction with an HS Code or tariff code, it further defines the criteria for a particular rate. You can set up Country codes in SA Table Code Value Setup.

Harmonized System Tariff Code

This field can be used to assign HS Codes or other types of tariff codes to a product. A harmonized tariff code is part of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System that was created by the World Customs Organization (WCO). A logical nomenclature method is used by the HS system to categorize goods into approximately 5,000 commodity groups. Countries often assign customs duties based on the harmonized tariff code of the product. You must set up the HS Code in SA Tariff Rate Setup.