Generating an audit inquiry

Use these steps to access the Audit System audit trail utility and perform an audit inquiry in the system.
Note: Audit System is supported for Distribution SX.e on-premises only. It is not supported for CloudSuite Distribution.

You must have the correct security set in SA Operator Setup to access the Audit System function. Additionally, your system administrator must have performed these actions:

  • Defined auditing parameters and generated the Dictionary Update Audit Triggers in SA Administration Audit Processing Program Generation
  • Installed the Dictionary Updated and Audit Triggers
  • Added Audit System to your server script

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Administration Guide for instructions to implement Audit System.

Auditing has not been enabled for any DB files is displayed if parameters are not defined and your system administrator has not run the Dictionary Update Audit Triggers function.

  1. Select System Administrator > Administration > Audit System.
  2. Specify the table in the Table Name field.

    Fields for the primary key data are available in the Search panel after you select a table. Depending on the selected table, you can also specify primary key values in the Primary Key Search Criteria table.

  3. Specify the criteria for your audit inquiry, and then click Search.
    Use the Record Limit field to prevent a timeout from occurring when the records are retrieved.
  4. If a change was made to a field in the table, the change is displayed in the Changes column. To view the change information in its entirety, select the record, and then click Changed Fields.
  5. If an indicator is displayed in the Notes column, click Reference Notes to view or edit the note. To add a note, verify that the record is selected and then click Reference Notes.