One-time credit card authorization
The One Time Authorization functionality allows you to create an authorization transaction in Sales Order Entry for a “tokenless” sale. Tokenless means that the token is not stored and the transaction is authorized and settled immediately. This is useful if you use a miscellaneous customer account. A miscellaneous customer account is when you have set up a customer in Customer Setup named, for example, Miscellaneous. This account has a recognizable customer number, such as 9999999999. Use a miscellaneous customer account for counter sales to customers who want to pay with a credit card, but who do not have a token record set up in your system.
Similar to the One Time Sale, the One Time Authorization is tokenless. With a One Time Authorization, if the sale involves a back order or incomplete shipment, the authorization is created. The transaction is not settled until after shipment and invoice processing. In addition, you can use this type of transaction to add freight, handling, or an addon transaction to the sale. Your customers are not charged for goods they have not received and revenue is not booked before the inventory is available and shipped.
The One Time Auth option is displayed in Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment. During tendering, select this option to connect to the CenPOS web browser, the One Time Auth form. Complete all required fields and submit to CenPOS. This transaction bypasses the Hold for Authorization? prompt and proceeds to the response: approved or rejected.
If the transaction is approved, the Distribution SX.e system record is created with an Authorization transaction code and a Response number. The Response number is used to settle the transaction upon shipment. Back orders are automatically re-authorized for the remaining amount with the response number, as is done with the standard tokenized authorizations.