Batch journal
A batch journal uses journal logic that permits one journal per day for each post date. A batch journal is beneficial if, for example, your company has a high volume of transactions that are initiated from third-party retail management system or point of sale (POS) systems. The specific batch name distinguishes the journal from journals opened for typical transactions in a function, such as order entry. The API logic finds an open GL Journal with the specific batch name. The API logic uses that journal if the transaction date is the same as the journal posting date and the journal open date is today.
- Receive on Account (ROA): oeetapi-warehouse
- Sales Order Entry tendering:oeetapi-warehouse
- Cash drawer management: oeedapi-warehouse
Receipt of payments through ION API
Any tendering journals opened by an API process have a Batch Name of oeetapi. This applies to ION API calls such as sxapiOEReceiveOnAccount, sxapiOEFullOrderMntV6, or sxapiOEOrderChange. A batch journal uses journal logic that permits one journal per day for each post date. A new Set # is created for each order transaction, enabling you to view or group payments by order in Sales Order Inquiry and GL Journal Inquiry. In the GL Journal Inquiry-Journal view, the Batch Name is displayed as oeetapi-warehouse, where <warehouse> is the actual warehouse value; for example, oeetapi-Main. If an open batch oeetapi-warehouse journal is found that is not the current day [previous day], then that previous day batch journal is automatically closed by the system.
Cash drawer management
If you use a third-party retail management system or a counter environment, you can integrate your system with Distribution SX.e to manage a cash drawer and petty cash. If this feature is activated, specific API calls capture the Drawer ID: sxapiOEFullOrderMaintV6, sxapiOEOrderChange, and sxapiOEReceiveOnAccount. Another API call, sxapiOECashDrawer, mimics the Sales Drawer Transaction Entry function to add cash petty transactions to the drawer. The Drawer ID flows through the API to the General Ledger transactions.
A batch journal is created for each new warehouse, post date, open date combination. All batch journals with open dates preceding the current date are automatically closed. Any tendering journals opened by an API process have a Batch Name of oeetapi-warehouse. The cash drawer update has a Batch Name of oeedapi-warehouse, where <warehouse> is the actual warehouse value; for example, oeedapi-Main.