Product Return On Investment Report ranges and options
- (P)roduct, (V)endor #, or Product (C)at Order
Use this option to determine the sort order of the report.
Specify P to sort by product and then by warehouse.
Specify V to include only products with a vendor ARP. The information is sorted by vendor number and then by product.
Specify C to sort by product category and then by product.
- Number of Months of History
Specify the number of months to analyze. If the number is greater than the number of months of history that is available for a product, the ratio is calculated, based on the available history.
If these conditions are met, the ROI is calculated for a full year of history, regardless of the value that is specified for this option:
- 13 Period Fiscal Year option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year
- Fiscal is selected for the Store Files by Calendar or Fiscal option in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Levels
- Starting Period (blank = current month)
Leave the field blank to start the analysis with the most recent period of history. We recommend that you leave this field blank.
If you use a 13-period fiscal year, you cannot specify a starting period that is greater than 12 months before the current date. Otherwise, this message is displayed:
Fiscal period may not be determined more than 1 yr back.
To start with the previous period, specify -1.
- Totals Only?
Select No to include details, totals, and grand totals. The report can become lengthy, depending on the ranges and options that you specify.
If you specify Yes to include totals only, the totals that are included on the report depend on these sort order options that you previously specified:
- Product: The report includes totals by product and a grand total.
- Vendor: The report includes totals by vendor number and grand totals.
- Product category: The report includes totals by product category and grand totals.