SA Data Archive Sales Manager Report ranges and options
- Archive Date
The date in this option minus the value from the Number of Days to Keep field is the last date that the data is retained. Any data that is older and meets the deletion criteria is archived or purged.
The default value of **/**/** represents the current date. If you set up parameters for a stored report, leave the default value so the report reflects the current date when it is generated.
Specify -1 to -7 to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, then the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- (A)rchive and Purge, or (P)urge Only
Specify A to save the selected transactions to disk or tape and then delete those transactions from the database.
Specify P to delete the selected transactions without first saving them to disk or tape. Use this method with extreme caution. If information is not archived, you cannot restore the information.
- Print Detail for Transactions?
Select Yes to print the primary key data for each record that is archived or purged. This could produce a lengthy report.
Select No to print only a summary of the file name and number of transactions archived or deleted.
- Tape Command (Shell Script File Name)
Specify a shell script file name for archiving. It will be executed as a UNIX shell script to copy the archive file to another directory or to save it to off-line media.
/rd/opsys folder in the RD_HOME directory of your system files. Set up this script with the correct UNIX read and execute security for the operator that performs the archive function. The tape command script is the name of a script that resides in the
During the archive process,
is appended to the name that you specify in this field. For example, if you specify archive94 as the shell script file name, the /RD_HOME/rd/opsys/ script is initiated. The script should contain a single UNIX command directing the output to an appropriate tape device on your system, for example,| cpio -ocuvB > /dev/rmt0
.If you do not enter a shell script file name, the archive file is, where xxx equals the last three characters of the archive function acronym. For example, archive.ddo for orders. This file name is added to the directory name. The directory name is the directory in the Print field in SA Company Setup-Required for UNIX systems.
- Command Type-(F)ile or (D)irect
Specify F to use the Tape Command value to archive data to the system file.
Specify D to archive directly to a tape device.
- Number of Years to Keep
Specify the number of years of records to keep. This value is subtracted from the current year. Records from the resulting year through the current year are kept.
For example, if the current year is 2020 and you specify 2 for this option, the records for 2018 through 2020 are kept. The records for 2017 and older are archived or purged.
If this field is zero or blank, no records are archived or purged.
Select Yes to archive or purge specific Sales Manager records from these functions:
- SM Setup Warehouse Totals, character version
- SM Setup Product Totals, character version
- Sales Rep Setup, including commissions
Select No to exclude the records from the report.
- Archive - SMSEW/SMSEP
Select Yes to archive or purge the extended totals files in these character version functions:
- SM Setup Extended Warehouse/Product by Customer Totals
- SM Setup Extended Product Category by Customer Totals
Select No to exclude the records from the report.