Product Customer Reservations Report ranges and options
See the Report ranges topic for more information.
- Customer #
Specify a beginning and ending range of customers to limit the report based on customer.
- Ship To
Specify a beginning and ending range of customer shiptos to limit the report based on customer shipto.
- Warehouse
Specify a beginning and ending range of warehouses to limit the report based on warehouse.
- Product
Specify a beginning and ending range of products to limit the report based on product.
- Start Date
Specify a beginning and ending start date to limit the report based on start date.
- Expire Date
Specify a beginning and ending expire date to limit the report based on expire date. This range is required if you select to inactivate or remove reservation records.
- Contract
Specify a beginning and ending contract ID to limit the report based on contract.
- I)nactivate, R)emove or N)either
Specify Inactivate to inactivate expired reservation records. This sets the reservation record status to Inactive if the record’s Expire Date is within the beginning and ending dates specified for the Expire Date range. We recommend you specify a beginning and ending Expire Date range that occurs before the current date.
Specify Remove to delete expired reservation records. This completely deletes the reservation records that are due to expire within the beginning and ending dates specified in the Expire Date range.
Specify Neither to leave the status of expired reservation records unchanged.
- Status A)ctive, I)nactive, or B)oth
Specify Active to limit the report to active reservation records only.
Specify Inactive to include only reservation records with a Status of Inactive.
Specify Both to limit the report to both active and inactive reservation records. If you selected Inactivate or Remove for the first option, we recommend you select Both for this option.
- Depleted Products Only?
Select Yes to include only those reservation records where the Reserved Quantity is 0 on the product detail record. This indicates all of the reserved stock has been depleted. Use this option in conjunction with the Replenish option to only view depleted reservations set to replenish. Use this to track those reservations that require quantities be filled immediately if your customer makes frequent purchases.
- R)eplenish, N)ot Replenish, or B)oth
Specify Replenish to include only those reservation records where the Replenish Stock option is selected.
Specify Not Replenish to include records where this option is not selected.
Specify Both to include both types of records.
- Qty Sold Commitment Variance Pct
Use this option to review and report on reservation records where the customer is missing a specific ordering commitment level based on a variance percentage. This helps identify customers that are not meeting contractual commitments. If the calculated variance between the Total Expected Quantity and the Total Quantity Sold for a product is equal to or greater than the variance specified, the product is included on the report. For example, if you specify 75%, those products that have not sold more than 75% of the expected quantity are included on the report.
- Qty Short Commitment Variance Pct
Use this option to review reservation records that are below quantity requirements, based on a variance percentage. The Required Quantity is compared to the Reserved Quantity, and records that are short by the percent variance you specify, are included. For example, if you specify 80%, reservation records where the Reserved Quantity is 80% or greater than the Required Quantity are included on the report.
- Display O)rders, P)roducts, or T)otals
Specify Orders to list all sales order lines that were created for a each reservation. The reservation from Product Customer Reservations Setup is stored on each sales order line. The report lists each reservation by warehouse, customer, shipto, product, then order number/line. Totals are included for each reservation.
Specify Products to include only the product detail for each reservation record. The report lists each reservation record by warehouse, customer, shipto, and product. The product detail includes all quantities.
Specify Totals to include only the customer and shipto detail for each reservation record. The report lists each reservation record by warehouse, customer, and shipto only.