Inquiring on a credit card transaction date or amount

You can inquire on a transaction date or amount for a specific customer in Sales Order Inquiry. This inquiry is beneficial if, for example, a customer calls in to discuss transactions posted to their credit card based upon the date the card was charged for the transaction or the credit card amount.

  1. Select Sales > Inquiry > Order.
  2. Click Advanced Search.
  3. Select From Submit Date and To Submit Date in the Criteria field, and then specify values in those fields.
  4. Specify a customer, and then click Search.
  5. In the grid, scroll to find the Invoice Amount column or the Submit Date column.
    The Invoice Amount shows the transaction total.
    The Submit Date shows the most recent date the transaction was submitted to CenPOS. That could be, for example, an order entry date, or an AUTH request date.
  6. Locate the appropriate transaction according to the date or amount, and drill down on the order.