Vendor Inquiry - General field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.



The vendor's address.

Address Override
The Address Override setting is displayed for information only. Address Override is part of the AvaTax Address Validation feature. The Address Override setting is selected during the AvaTax Address Validation process. This override makes the tax calculation with a General Delivery address to avoid an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.

The city specified in the vendor's record is displayed in this field.


The country in which this vendor resides.


The email address for this vendor. This address can be used for reports set up for email where appropriate.


The full name of the vendor.


The state entered in the vendor's record is displayed in this field.

Zip Code

The zip code entered in the vendor's record is displayed in this field.

Contact and Billing


Any comments specified in the Vendor Setup record are displayed here. Comments provide additional information about the vendor.

Fax Phone #

If the vendor has a fax phone number, it is displayed here.

Our Customer No

The customer number assigned to your company by the vendor.

Phone #

The vendor's telephone number.


The terms code assigned to the vendor is displayed here. Terms set the parameters for cash discounts and service charges.

Additional Details

Exp Phone

The expediter's phone number.


The person who facilitates the delivery of the needed purchase orders. If a purchase order is past due or there are unexplained delays in delivering the order, this person would be contacted. This may be a supervisor, manager, or president of the company.

Invoice Type

This user-defined field can be used to group all transactions for this vendor together.

Sales Rep Phone

The salesrep's phone number.


The vendor's sales representative (salesrep). This person generally receives credit and handles sales recruited from your company.


Inactive is displayed in this field if this vendor is set to Inactive in Vendor Setup.

Vendor Type

This user-defined field can be used to clarify and categorize. Vendor types are useful for grouping vendors together for various reasons.


# of PO’s Late

This field is updated by Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry each time a purchase order is received past the expected due date. If a vendor is continually late, the expected due date may be adjusted and more lead time given.

Current Balance

This represents the current balance due to the vendor. When a new vendor is set up, this amount should be posted through Vendor Invoice Center Entry. If foreign currency is entered on the Required window, the foreign currency name is displayed above this field. The foreign currency equivalent is displayed to the right of the current balance.

Last Invoice

The Last Invoice date is updated through Vendor Invoice Center Entry when an invoice is entered or costed.

Last Payment

The Last Payment date is updated by Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report each time invoices are paid. This date tells you at a glance when the last check was created for this vendor.

Last PO Issued/Last PO

The Last PO date represents the last time a purchase order was placed through Purchase Order Entry. The purchase order number is displayed to the right of the date; however, this does not include Return Merchandise (RM) orders.

On Order Balance

This field indicates the total amount on order with this vendor. This field is updated by Purchase Order Entry as purchase orders are posted for this vendor. This occurs during Vendor Invoice Center Entry costing when purchase orders are costed, and during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry if the amount received was different (less than or greater) than the amount ordered.

Rebate Balance

Each time a rebate is entered through Vendor Invoice Center Entry costing or processed through Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, this field amount is increased.

YTD Balances

Discount Lost

The opposite of Discounts Taken YTD is Discounts Lost YTD. This field indicates those invoices that were not paid in time to take the discount available.

Discount Taken

Discounts Taken YTD is updated through Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report. Discounts should only be taken when payment is being made within the specified number of days. For example, if the terms are "2/10, net 30," a 2% discount can be taken if the bill is paid within 10 days.


The purchases year-to-date from this vendor. This field is updated by Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report and Vendor Invoice Center Entry costing.

No. of PO’s

This reflects the number of purchase orders placed year-to-date. This field is updated by Purchase Order Entry.


The Payments YTDRebates field is updated through Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report and is an accumulation of the payment amount from each invoice. This value is used when printing Vendor Administration Federal 1099 Print Report for the current year.


Each time a rebate is processed through Vendor Invoice Center Entry costing or Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, this field is increased. The Rebates Due value is also increased.


This field is updated by Vendor Invoice Center Entry costing each time a return is placed with the vendor.