Processing ACH purchases
You can process ACH payments as part of the order processing if you have already created a token for an ACH customer. This section explains how to process an ACH purchase.
- After you have initiated an order in Sales Order Entry, selected the products, and reviewed taxes and totals, select the Collect Payment view.
In the Pricing Calculator section, in the Totals By field, select Ordered or Shipped.
By default, the amount of the order auto-populates the Total Charged field. The order amount is also displayed in the Amount column of the credit card listed first in the Process Payment section.
- Ask the customer, “What payment type are you using?” They should specify ACH.
In the Process Payment section, in Payment
Type, select the requested ACH. For example, CenPOS ACH.
The Payment Type lists all the payment types in sequence, including ACH, for that customer. Payment Types are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, and assigned to each customer in Customer Credit Card Setup.
- Ask the customer, "What is the cardholder’s name and the last four digits of the ACH you want to charge to?"
In Payment
#/Reference, select the corresponding name and card from the
The Payment #/Reference lists, in sequence, all ACH currently on file for this customer, and shipto, if specified in the order. The format is Cardholder Name - LastFour (ShipTo). For example, John Doe - 1111 (04).
Listed ACH are set up and sequenced in Customer Credit Card Setup.
You can also add a new ACH record at this point during order entry by expanding a listed ACH and clicking Add New ACH.
- Click Accept Payment.
- Click OK to open a journal.
- A transaction is approved message is displayed: Card Approved ************<last four digits>.
- Click Save if the order is complete.
- If the message, Do you want to set this order as shipped?, is displayed, click Yes.