PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.
- Import Type
Shows the import type you are defining price/cost multipliers for. This must be a valid import type set up in PI Import Definition Setup.
- Last Updated At and By
Shows time and date stamp and operator initials of the last update.
- Supplier Group
Each import type must be identified with at least one supplier group. Files cannot be imported without a PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record. Generally, you should set up at least one of these records for each supplier. However, most distributors have more than one record for each supplier, depending on how they organize each supplier's prices and costs. You may want to organize a supplier group by product category, price type, or a combination of both. The supplier group is user-defined.
During the import process, the supplier group specified on product records [Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup] is tied to the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record set up here. The information on the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record is used to calculate price and costs on the import record.
- Warehouse
The Warehouse is optional. To define price/cost multipliers for this supplier group that apply to all warehouses, leave this field blank. Warehouses without a PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record set up specifically for their products are affected by the blank warehouse PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record.
Catalog records are not affected if this field is left blank. To apply price/cost multipliers to catalog records, a separate PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record must be set up by specifying "@cat" in this field.
To set up specific calculation styles for one supplier group and warehouse, specify a warehouse in this field. The warehouse must be a valid warehouse set up in Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup.
Price Cost Multipliers grid
- Addon Import Type
Addon amounts can be added or subtracted from the calculated price or cost; generally, the price. This is a currency value, not a percent. Addons may be applied to compensate for the added cost of distributing from a remote warehouse. You must have set up this PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record for a specific warehouse. You can set up a negative addon to enable a particular warehouse to offer a more competitive price, instead of applying a multiplier.
- Hold Zero
If you select this option, and the price/cost calculates to zero, the record is placed on hold. If you clear this option, and the price/ cost calculates to zero, the record is placed on hold also. However, this is only if the product already exists in Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup with a non-zero cost. New products that calculate to zero are not placed on hold if this field is cleared.
- Decrease Limit %
Import Type You can force records to be placed on hold if the calculated price or cost is less than the current price or cost by the amount specified here. Hold means that PI Entry Update Products does not act on the edit file record. For example, to put records on hold when the replacement cost has gone down by 5%, you specify 5 in this field. We recommend you set this limit to at least 25% to catch large fluctuations in prices or costs. During the editing process, records placed on hold can be maintained and then updated. If they are left on hold, they do not update Product entity records.
- Increase Limit %
Similar to a decrease limit, you can establish a percentage limit on price or cost increases. The record is placed on hold if the calculated price or cost is greater than the current price or cost by the percent specified. Records placed on hold for exceeding these limits should be reviewed and the update option manually set before updating can take place.
- Calculation Method
The prices and costs are calculated based on the method selected here. The calculation method selected is used to determine the price or cost of the subject price/cost. These are examples of some of the methods:
Select Incoming Cost as the method for your Current Replacement Cost. The incoming cost is the cost on the import file that is mapped in PI Import Definition Setup. That incoming cost is used to calculate the replacement cost that is updated to the catalog or product record.
Select Incoming List Price to calculate the price/cost. The list price mapped in PI Import Definition Setup is used.
Select one of the Current methods. These methods use the current price or cost from the catalog or warehouse product record already in your database. If you select one of the Current methods, a separate edit file record is created for each warehouse product during the import process.
Other available methods use Price Break/Cost Break levels 1 through 9 from the import file.
If you leave this field blank, no calculation method is applied. No changes are made to Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup.
- Multiplier
Specify the multiplier used with the price or cost method to calculate the price/cost for each record. The multiplier is used to apply to the number that is represented by the Calculation Method selected. For example, to calculate the base price using the incoming cost plus 50%, specify 1.50000 in the Multiplier field. Conversely, if you use the incoming list price less 35% to determine the replacement cost, you would specify .65000.
Do not set this value to zero. To apply no multiplier, retain the default of 1.00000. If you set this value to zero [0.00000], the prices or costs for each record is zero. Records with zero prices or costs may be placed on hold during import with a hold code.
- Calculation Order
This is the sequence in which prices and costs are calculated. You must specify a value in the Order field for:
- Base Price
- List Price
- Replacement Cost
- Standing Cost
- Last Foreign Cost
- Foreign Replacement Cost
Use each number (1-6) once. If you specify the same number in two or more fields, the setup does not allow you to save. The field is outlined in red. An error is displayed: Orders Must be Numbered 1 through 6.
Use this sequence to control values that may be calculated using other values. For example, to calculate the base price using the new replacement cost, set the replacement cost calculation order to occur before the base price calculation.
- Rounding Method
To specify a rounding value, first select Nearest, Up, Down. Then, in the Rounding Target field, specify a value. These values determine the format of the price or cost that is updated. The price or cost can be rounded up, down, or to the nearest $100, $10, $1, or to one of five decimal positions. If you select User, you must specify a rounding amount in this field. For example, specify .98 in this field. All prices or costs would be rounded up to 0.98, down to 0.98, or to the nearest 0.98; such as, $1.98, $35.98, $167.98.
- Rounding Target
Specify a value for the Rounding Method.
Cross References
These fields define the cross reference fields (X-Ref) mapped in PI Import Definition Setup. The option selected determines how records are created or updated in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup using the values in the X-Ref fields. The options are different for each interchange field.
- Auto Price
Mapped values can be used to create or update Auto Pricing records in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup. If you are importing a file from Trade Service, Auto Pricing records are always created during the update process. This is regardless of your selection in this field. The NAED number is used when the Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record is created or updated. Select one of these options:
Ignore: Do not create or update an Auto Pricing record for this product in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.
Product: Use the product name that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup to create a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup Auto Pricing record, or update it if it already exists.
UPC: Use the 24-digit combined value of the fields mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the UPC#.
Cross Reference: Use one of the cross reference fields (1-4) that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup, if it contains a value.
- Bar Code
You can create or update barcode records in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup using mapped values in the import file. Select one of these options:
Ignore: Do not create or update a barcode record for this product.
Product: Use the product identifier (number) that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup to create a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup Bar Code record. Use this identifier to update if the record exists.
UPC: Use the 24-digit combined value of the fields mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the UPC#.
Cross Reference: Use one of the cross reference fields (1-4) that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup, if it contains a value.
- Interchange
Select one of these options:
Ignore: Do not create/update an Interchange record for this product in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.
Product: Use the product name that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup to create a Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup Interchange record. Use this name to update if the record exists.
UPC: Use the value of the fields mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the UPC#. The UPC is a number consisting of at least the vendor or product number portions (11 digits). It may contain other portions as defined in SA Administrator Options-Product; up to 24 digits.
Cross Reference: Use one of the cross reference fields (1-4) that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup, if it contains a value.
- Vendor Part
You can define how the Vendor Product field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is updated. Select one of these options:
Ignore: Do not update the Vendor Product field product in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
Product: Use the product name that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup to update the Vendor Product field in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
UPC: Use the Product number portion of the UPC# that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup.
Cross Reference: Use one of the cross reference fields (1-4) that was mapped in PI Import Definition Setup, if it contains a value.
- Save Detail
After you have updated the import records, you can save them for inquiry or reporting purposes. Set this option to Updated Only to save updated records only. Select Neither if you do not want to maintain history records. Select Both Updated and Ignored to save both updated and ignored records. Records that are saved can be deleted in PI Administrator Delete Inactive Record.
- Update Code
The update code determines if all good records imported for this supplier group or warehouse are autopopulated with a code. Select Update, Hold, or Ignore. Records that are ignored are not updated, but may be saved depending on the selection in the Save Detail field. A record placed on hold requires operator intervention before it can be updated.
This is a default flag for the record as a whole. However, to monitor changes in specific fields, you can override an Updated setting here with specific field settings using the Exceptions tab. After a file is imported, this setting can be changed in PI Entry Edit Product Update File for each record.
- Notes
You must have mapped the Notes field in PI Import Definition Setup. If so, you can control how the notes update the catalog or product notes files in the Product entity. Select one of these options:
Hold: Select to place the record on hold if any notes were imported with the record.
Ignore: Select to import any notes in the record, but not update the catalog or product files. This makes the note available only during editing.
Update: Select to update the notes file for the catalog or product record, if notes exist in the import file.
- Page
If you selected Replace Page in the Update field, specify the page number in the notes file to replace during the update process. Specify 0 to replace the last page of the notes file with the new notes.
Notes associated with Product Import records can be received and viewed from the system. If a standard note exists for a Product entity, such as Product Setup, a notes indicator is displayed in the entity field. You can then view the note from the Notes context application.
See Notes.
- Required
You may have selected Update in the Notes field to update the notes file for catalog or product records. If so, you can also make those notes required by selecting this option.
- Update
If notes have been mapped and updated, indicate where they should be placed in the notes file. Select Next Page to place on the next available page. Select Replace Page, then specify a specific page number. For example, if the MSDS Sheet for hazardous materials is always on the first page of notes. You can select Replace Page, and specify 1 for the page number.
These settings determine whether information in each import file record is imported and whether the data used has changed. You can identify certain information on each import record that should not be updated. Otherwise, the record is placed on hold by the system if it is different than the current product record. These exceptions can be set up in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup-General-Price Cost Multipliers. Only those records that currently exist in your Product entity files are impacted by these settings. Select one of these options:
Update: If you retain the default, Update, the imported data in that field replaces any existing data in the record when you update Product entity records in PI Entry Update Products.
Hold: Select to put the record on hold if the new data in a particular field is different than the current data in the catalog or product record. This places the line item on hold when it is imported from the import file to the edit file.
Ignore: When selected, the data in that field is ignored in the import file. Data is loaded from the existing current Product entity record instead. However, the status of the line item itself is not Ignore.
- Delete
The supplier may have discontinued this product by entering a delete code in the import record. If so, this setting determines if the current record should be updated. Select one of these options:
Update: If selected, and you are updating product records in Product Setup, the Status field in Product Setup is set to Inactive. A Product Warehouse Product Setup record with balances may exist for this product. That is, Reserved, Committed, Backordered, On Order, Received, In Transit, Wt Ship Request, or WT Rev Requests. If so, the Product Setup record is not inactivated. A warning is sent. It indicates that the product was scheduled to be inactivated on the update report generated during PI Entry Update Products, but could not be because current balances exist. When a Product Setup record is inactivated, the status codes for corresponding Product Warehouse Product Setup records are set to "X" (Do Not Reorder). If you are updating records in Product Catalog Setup, no change occurs to the catalog record; they cannot be inactivated.
Hold: Select to place the import record on hold when that item is inactivated by the supplier or Trade Service. The status of the Product entity item does not change until you manually set the update code to Update. Placing a discontinued record on hold alerts you to find another supplier, if you want to continue selling this item.
Ignore: Select to disregard the delete code. The line is updated as usual. The status of the current Product entity record is not changed.
Note: Currently, only Trade Service Company files have Change Symbols that indicate the status of the import item. These are the symbols that are used to inactivate records:
- D - Discontinued Item
- U - Unlisted Item [not found in current vendor price sheet]
- Q - Item removed from Trade Service master computer file
Refer to the documentation provided by Trade Service Company for more information about the Change Symbols.
- Description 1
The product description in the import file may be different than the description in the current catalog or product record in the Product entity. If so, this setting determines what is specified in the field. Select one of these options:
- The field is updated with the new description.
- The import record is placed on Hold.
- The import record is imported using the description from the current Product entity record, either Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup, ignoring the new description.
- Description 2
The product description in the import file may be different than the description in the current catalog or product record in the Product entity. If so, this setting determines what is specified in the field. If the second description field value changes, you can select Update, Hold, or Ignore. You may want to ignore changes to the description field if your Description 2 field should remain constant. For example, for all products within a supplier group, the second description should always be "copper wire."
- Description 3
The product description in the import file may be different than the description in the current catalog or product record in the Product entity. If so, this setting determines what is specified in the field. If the third description field value changes, you can select Update, Hold, or Ignore.
- Discount
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the discount. Select Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the discount. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the discount.
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the MSDS# or MSDS Sheet. Select Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the MSDS# or MSDS Sheet. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the MSDS# or MSDS Sheet.
- Product #
This field is not enterable. The manner in which the product is updated when it changes can be set up in PI Import Definition Setup-Required when you define the Supersede field.
- Product Line
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the product line. Select Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the product line. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the product line.
- Quantity Break
This field in not enterable. It is not used by the system at this time.
- Supersede
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the supersede. Select Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the supersede. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the supersede.
- Unit
This field in not enterable. This field applies to the unit of costing used by Trade Service Company only. Any changes to the unit of costing are handled internally.
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the UPC code. Select UPC Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the UPC code. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the UPC code.
- Weight/Cube
Retain the default, Update, to update Product entity records for any changes to the weight or cube. Select Hold to place the import record on hold if there are changes to the weight or cube. Select Ignore to import the record, but ignore changes to the weight or cube.