Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report ranges and options
There are no ranges for this report.
- Lockbox File Directory
Leave this field blank to use the inbound EDI file location set up in SA Company Setup, or specify a different file location.
- Lockbox File Name
This is the name of the file created by this transmission. It must not already exist in the Lockbox File Directory. If it is a retransmission and you do not want to delete the previous transmission, rename this lockbox file. After the file is processed, the file name is changed to and stored in the lockbox file directory. This transmission key is comprised of the year/month/day/hour/minute/seconds plus the name of the file, for example, This transaction key is also used to create the customer batch file as part of the import process.
- Post/Update Imported Transactions?
Select Yes to update the system with these transactions:
- Check records created for the bank number entered
- Payment records applied to invoices
- Invoices and credits updated to paid status
- NSF invoices created for negative check amounts
- Unapplied cash transactions created
- General Ledger updated with the appropriate GL transactions
If you select Yes for this option, the system is updated immediately. You cannot edit any of the lockbox transactions in Customer Lockbox Entry or Customer Batch Maintenance Entry, unless they remain in the batch files based on your choices for the next three options.
- If Yes, Post Only Batches Ready?
If the Post/Update Imported Transactions? option is Yes, select Yes to post only those lockbox batches where every check is ready to post. Updates are made for only those checks that can be fully applied within the write-off limits that are defined in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Cash Receipts. Lockbox batches that cannot be fully applied remain in the batch file and can be edited in Customer Lockbox Entry.
- If No, Force Batches Un-Suspended?
If the Post/Update Imported Transactions? option is No, select Yes for this option to update all transactions to the General Ledger, including those payments that are not within the write-off limits.
Select No to update only those batches that are within the write-off limits. Check batches that are not fully updated remain in the batch file and can be edited in Customer Lockbox Entry.
- If Yes, Bank # to Post Imported Trans
If the Post/Update Imported Transactions? option is Yes, specify a valid bank number. This bank number is used to determine the GL account number to post check transactions against.
- Dummy Customer for Unmatched Checks
Any checks in the lockbox batch that cannot be matched to a valid customer record are posted against the dummy or fictitious customer record number that you enter here. This account is used regardless of your entry for the Post/Update Imported Transactions? option. The import fails if any checks are unmatched to a customer.
- Split Transactions (C)lear or (S)uspend
This option applies only if invoice transactions are included with a check transaction. If a check is received from one customer that applies to another or multiple customers’ scheduled payments, the import process checks this option before processing the payment.
Specify C to match based on invoice number, instead of customer number.
Specify S to suspend these transactions in the batch file. You must clear the suspension in Customer Lockbox Entry.
- Do Write-Offs?
Select Yes to apply the write-off limit to payments that do not fully pay an invoice. If the check transaction falls within the write-off limit, the balance remaining is written off. If the difference between the check amount and the invoice is higher than the write-off limit, it is not written off, unless you select Yes for the If Yes, Partial Pay if Outside Limit? option.
An exception is included on the Lockbox Import Exceptions Report. Select No to only report these check transactions on the Exceptions Report without performing any write-offs.
- If Yes, Partial Pay if Outside Limit?
If you selected Yes for the Do Write-Offs? option, select Yes to apply check transactions against invoice records regardless of the write-off limit. If a balance due exists after matching check transactions to invoices, a new scheduled payment for an underpayment or unapplied cash transaction (=for an overpayment is created for the balance on that invoice.
Select No to create an unapplied cash transaction for check transactions that do not match the amount of the invoice. These unapplied cash transactions are suspended and require editing before processing if these one of these conditions are met:
- No is selected for Update/Post Imported Transactions.
- Yes is selected for Update/Post Imported Transactions and Post Only Batches Ready.
- Yes is selected for Update/Post Imported Transactions, and No is selected for Post Only Batches Ready and Force Batch Un-Suspended.
The check transaction is never suspended if these conditions are met:
- Yes is selected for Update/Post Imported Transactions.
- No is selected for Post Only Batches Ready.
- Yes is selected for Force Batch Un-Suspended.
- Create ARSL Records?
Select Yes to create Customer Lockbox Setup records for customers with no current record, but where a customer number is found on the check transaction. Customer Lockbox Setup records are not created for the fictitious customer record specified in the Dummy Customer for Unmatched Checks option. Customer Lockbox Setup records created by this function are updated to the logged in company number. The bank routing number and checking account number found on the check transaction record are used on the record.
- Posting Date
Specify the date to assign to each transaction. If an invoice date already exists on a batch transaction, the posting date is not used. If you receive EDI 820 documents through Process RemittanceAdvice BODs, the posting date from a BOD overrides the value on the report.
Leave the default value of **/**/** to use the current date. If updating a previous period, use the current date to keep an audit trail of the posting sequence. A posting date outside of the posting period causes balancing issues when you run the Customer Trial Balance Report or the Customer Balancing Audit Report.
Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day segment to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- Posting Period
Specify the calendar period to update. Leave the default value of **** to use the current date. If you are on a calendar year or fiscal year, specify the calendar month. Specify the fiscal period if you are on a 13-period fiscal year.
To go back one period, specify -1 in this field. If you specify -1**, the period before the current period of the current year is used. For example, if the current period is 0820, 0720 is used for the report.
If you receive EDI 820 documents through Process RemittanceAdvice BODs, the posting period from a BOD overrides the value on the stored report.