Vendor Entry Check Print Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Journal #
Specify a journal number. Checks can only be printed for one journal at a time. Specify the valid journal number for checks that have not been printed or for checks that need to be reprinted.
If you specify a journal number whose checks have already been printed but forget to set the Reprint option to Yes, this message is displayed:Checks for This Journal Are Already Printed, Use 'Reprint' Option (5399)
- Reprint?
Select No to print checks for an individual vendor (as specified in the Vendor # range) who had not been paid during a previous check run. For example, if seven vendors were involved in the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report, in Vendor Entry Check Print you can print one vendor check then go back at a later date and print the remainder of the checks for that journal number.
Select Yes to reprint previously printed checks. The check number range and beginning check number are used in combination with this option. You can reprint a range of checks or all checks in a journal.
- Beginning Check #
Specify the beginning check number. The system requires a beginning check number whether you are printing checks for the first time or reprinting existing checks. If you are printing checks for a journal for the first time, indicate the beginning check number. If you are using pre-printed checks, indicate the check number on the first check loaded into the printer.
If you are reprinting existing checks, you can reprint with the same check numbers or use new check numbers. If your checks already contain pre-printed check numbers, reprint checks using those new check numbers. The system does not update the Last Check # field in CR Bank Setup unless the number of the reprint checks is greater than the last check number used.
- Check Date
Specify the date to be printed on each of the checks generated and during update.
You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system will use the current date less 7 days for the date.
- Print Check Numbers?
Select Yes to print the check number on the checks.
Select No if you use pre-printed checks.
- Bank #
Specify the bank (number) from which the checks are drawn. Checks can only be printed for one bank at a time since the checks you use are specific to one bank. All updates to Check Reconciliation are to the bank number you specify in this field.
- (V)endor #, (N)ame, or (Z)ip Code Order
Specify V to print checks in vendor number order within the journal number you entered.
Specify N to print checks alphabetically by vendor lookup name within the journal number you entered.
Specify Z to print checks in postal code order within the journal number you specified. If you are printing a substantial number of checks and you plan to bundle them by postal code, use this option.
- (A)ttached, (S)eparate, or (O)verflow Stubs
Specify one of these values:
Option 1-14 invoices Greater than 14 invoices A No separate remittance Voids first check, prints 1-14 lines on first stub. Prints the check amount on the second check and lines 15-28 on the second remittance. O No separate remittance Goes to a separate remittance S Prints separate remittance Prints separate remittance For attached stubs, you can print checks and remittance advices to the same printer or print the remittance to View. The Printer for Separate Remittance option is ignored.
The Attached option is not available if you print checks to Format 3 or 4. Format 3 forces output to Overflow if Attached is selected. If you use Format 4, with an Output Type of Infor Reporting or Infor Document Management, the Overflow or Separate option must be selected. The Printer for Separate Remittance field must be specified.If you do not select attached stubs and attempt to process one of the above printing options, this message is displayed:Cannot Print Remittance to Video or to the Same Printer as the Checks (5398)
Overflow pages print the header information and up to 44 invoices per page.
- Printer for Separate Remittance
If you are printing separate remittance or overflow stubs, indicate the printer to which these should print. If you specify the same printer as the checks or specify View, you must first set the previous option to attached stubs.
This field is required. It defaults to View. If you are printing checks and remittances using print Format 4 and do not change the default, remittances are sent to the same device selected for the checks. For other format types, remittances are sent to View.
- Print Zero Amount Checks?
Select Yes to print **void** in the written amount field on checks with an amount of zero.
Select No if you do not want checks with an amount of zero to print at all.
- Print to EDI Where Appropriate?
Select Yes to generate EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice output for vendors. The type of output is based on the value that is specified in the Payments (EDI 820) field in Vendor Setup-eCommece. For ION transactions that use BOD-based electronic AP payment remittance, including BACS, the option, Print to EDI Where Appropriate?, must be set to Yes.
- EDI Flat File Directory
Specify the directory in which to save the flat files for the EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice documents. If you do not specify a value, the files are saved to the Outbound EDI directory that is specified in SA Company Setup.
- Beginning Trace #
Specify a trace number to use when the check is not printed. For example, the EDI 820 is not only the remittance, but also the payment.
- Use CRSB for Beginning Check Number
Select Yes, and specify 0 in the Beginning Check # field. If the check run is not a reprint, the system calculates the beginning check number by adding one to the last Check # used field of the CR Bank Setup record based on the Bank # entered.
Select No to use the Beginning Check # option.
- Print Full Reference Field (2nd Line)?
Select Yes to print the full 24-character reference from the invoice on the check. If you select No, only the first 9 characters of the reference print on the check.
The number of invoices that can print on each check before an overflow stub is used decreases each time a full 24 character reference is printed on the check. For example, 13 one-line invoices can print on a standard check. If you select to print the full 24 character reference and four invoices have a second reference line, then only nine invoices can print on the check; four of the invoices take up two lines each, leaving room for five one-line invoices to complete the check before an overflow stub is created.
- BACS Processing?
This option enables the BACS flat file (<BACS format>_<bankno>.TX) to be created and output to the designated directory.
For BACS transactions that use BOD-based electronic AP payment remittance, this option is not required.
- BACS ID Number
Use to specify a BACS payment reference. This identification is user-defined and is internal (it does not stream to the BACS flat file). This information displays in the grid in CR Check Center Entry-Reconcile, GL Accounts Inquiry, and Vendor Inquiry.
For BACS transactions that use BOD-based electronic AP payment remittance, this option is not required.
- Pay Disputed Vendors?
- Select this option to pay any disputed vendors. If a vendor is flagged as disputed in Vendor Setup, and you select Show Disputed Vendors in Vendor Cash Requirements Report, and any open invoices were moved to 'C'urrent in Vendor Edit Payment Selection Entry, a check is printed for those vendors if you select this option. This is useful when you agree to pay an invoice or group of invoices for a vendor, but intend to leave their status as disputed.