Division security
In the Allowed Divisions section you can select the divisions a user can access or view. In the Security Settings section, you can limit the user’s access to specific module records to only data for records within the allowed divisions.
Employees at the corporate level who do require access to information for all divisions, would not have the division security applied to their operator record, or would have limited division security.
You may apply restrictions to certain customer or vendor records to prevent them from being edited by a user who may not be restricted to a division, but should not be allowed to change the record. This segregates customers and vendors who are centralized and maintained at a corporate level, from those that are managed only within their respective divisions. The Allow Editing of ‘Restricted Editing’ AP Records and Allow Editing of ‘Restricted Editing’ AR Records options control whether the user can maintain restricted Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup or Vendor Setup and Vendor Ship From Setup records.
For example, if a division has built a customer clientele that it alone maintains, their division number can be assigned to customer records in Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup. Employees who work in that division would have the division number selected as an allowed division. In addition, all employees outside of the corporate headquarters would also have the Restrict Data Access for AR option set to Yes. This restricts each division’s employees to only see data related to customers assigned to their division. Restrict Data Access options can also be set for AP, CR, GL, IC, OE, PO and WT records.
Where a group of divisions operate under a single managing entity, you can select all divisions in the group as Allowed Divisions for their employees.
In another example, if your corporate office manages all product lines and vendor relationships, and each division is expected to replenish their warehouses from these vendors, you may not assign a division number in Vendor Setup and Vendor Ship From Setup. You may, however, want to restrict anyone outside of the corporate office from editing the vendor records. For those divisions that work with their own vendors, they can assign their division number, and also restrict editing to their buyers or AP personnel only.
Divisions can be assigned to warehouses, customers, customer ship tos, buyers, salesreps, vendors, vendor ship froms, and vendor invoice groups. They can also be assigned to forms generated in Infor Document Management (IDM). Select the Save Documents in Infor Document Management with Division option in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-Document Management. This adds the Division Number and Division Group attribute to most Format 4 forms when they are stored in IDM. To control your users' access to IDM forms assigned to a certain division or division group, you can create an Access Control List (ACL) in IDM. ACL rules can be set up for the list assigned to an IDM document type to control access to that document based on Infor Ming.le security roles.
See the Infor Document Management Output Management User Guide for instructions for setting up ACL rules to control access to your forms using the division attribute types.Before you assign a division to each warehouse in Product Warehouse Description Setup, determine how this will expose data to employees within a division. If your company assigns multiple warehouses to a single division, employees restricted to seeing only the data within that division will still see data for all warehouses in the division. If you want to prevent this, set up a one-to-one relationship between divisions and warehouses. That is, assign each division to only one warehouse.