Multi-line sourcing
When you enter line items in Sales Order Entry, you can select multiple line items and tie them to a single purchase order or warehouse transfer. You can perform multi-line sourcing multiple times on a single sales order.
To view the product source for a line item, select the line item and click the Related Order # column heading to view the source document in Purchase Order Inquiry or WT Order Inquiry.
Event Manager
These Event Manager triggers help you track line item ties:
- OE Line Item Has a Tie (oe-tiedorderline) - This event is triggered when you tie a line item to a purchase order or warehouse transfer and is useful to track changes in line item ties.
- OE Broken PO/WT/VA Tie (oe-brokentie) - This event is triggered when you clear a tie and there is an existing tie on the purchase order, warehouse transfer, or fabrication order back to the Sales Order Entry line item.
Authorization points
You can use these authorization points to control whether users are allowed to break ties:
- Cannot Break Ties Against Processed Orders
- Cannot Break Ties Against Open Orders
These authorization points are based on the stage of the order. Open orders are orders in an Ordered stage and Processed Orders are orders that are not canceled but not in Ordered stage.
When sourcing multiple line items simultaneously, these limitations apply:
- You can only source line items that are not currently tied to a document. To change existing ties, you must make those changes individually.
- You cannot use multi-line sourcing on Direct Orders, Future, Standing, Quote, Correction, or Blanket Orders. Note that you can process direct order lines with the multi-line selection option.
- When lines are tied to a purchase order Direct Order, accumulative purchase order,
or a warehouse transfer Direct Order through the multi-line sourcing option, these
restrictions are enforced to ensure data integrity:
- The order Stage must be 1-Ordered.
- The ship quantity of lines that are tied to a drop order is reduced to 0 (zero).
- The ship quantity of lines that are tied to an accumulated purchase order is adjusted to the order quantity.
- Serial, lot, or warehouse-managed products with available inventory and assigned records allocated cannot be tied until the assigned records are cleared. You must manually clear all serial, lot, or Warehouse Manager bins in maintenance mode in Sales Order Entry before creating the multi-line sourcing tie for PO DO, PO Accumulated Pick Up, or WT DO ties. If no lots, serials, or bins are assigned, the tie is allowed.
- When using multi-line sourcing, you cannot tie the line items to a Value Add fabrication order or work order.
- When you select to multi-line source line items on a Return Merchandise (RM) order, you can only tie to a purchase order. If you select a mixture of return lines and regular lines on a stock order, you cannot access the Multi-Line Sourcing window.
- You can only source active lines. Inactive lines, such as lost business lines, cannot be sourced.