Setting up business rules for 3PL processing
These business rules control 3PL processing and must be set up before you use 3PL functionality:
- Alternate Warehouse SXAPI Operator: This rule specifies an operator ID that is used to run the SX.api automatic order creation process when a transfer is received from an alternate warehouse.
- Alternate Warehouse Lost Business Type: This rule specifies a lost business code to be assigned to order lines created for short shipped quantities that are not backordered and are sent to Lost Business using the Alternate Warehouse/3PL logic.
- Alternate Warehouse Invoice Report: This business rule specifies the name of a stored report that you have created to override the default settings of the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report that runs automatically when an alternate warehouse transfer is received. This business rule is optional. Review the default settings and determine if you want to set up a stored report to override them. See information about WT Billed Order.
Business rules are set up in SA Business Rule Setup using predefined templates in SA Table Code Value Setup-Business Rules.