Product Inquiry - Pricing field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Base Price
The base price of the product. The base price is generally the standard retail price and is multiplied against the Price/Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry. This value is set up in PD Pricing Setup.
- Beg Date
The date this pricing record went into effect. This value is set up in PD Pricing Setup.
- Comm Type
Indicates if a promotional commission type from Sales Salesrep Setup is used for this pricing record.
- Disc %
The product-specific discount specified for this product.
- End Date
The date this pricing record expires. End dates are sometimes used for seasonal or promotional pricing.
- List Price
The list price for this product. The list price can be multiplied by the Price Discounting modifier to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry.
- Min Qty
The minimum quantity the customer must order to qualify for the prices and discounts on this record.
- Net/each
The net price for each unit, after discount.
- Price/each
The price for each unit, before discount.
- Price Type
The price type assigned to this product in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Pricing Cost
Depending on how pricing costs are set up in SA Admin Options - Products - Costs, the average, standard, replacement, or last cost is displayed. A message appears to inform you the prices were calculated based on the Based On field in PD Pricing Setup.
- Product Status
The current status of the product. Sales Order Entry can only use active products to determine prices and discounts.
- Quantity
Indicate the quantity of the product you want to begin viewing pricing detail for.
- Qty Break
The quantity of product the customer must order to receive a quantity break discount on the product.
- Record #
The unique Price Discounting record ID assigned to this product and pricing record.
- Unit
Indicate the unit for which you want to view pricing information.