Product Inquiry - Pricing field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Base Price

The base price of the product. The base price is generally the standard retail price and is multiplied against the Price/Discounting price multiplier (%) to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry. This value is set up in PD Pricing Setup.

Beg Date

The date this pricing record went into effect. This value is set up in PD Pricing Setup.

Comm Type

Indicates if a promotional commission type from Sales Salesrep Setup is used for this pricing record.

Disc %

The product-specific discount specified for this product.

End Date

The date this pricing record expires. End dates are sometimes used for seasonal or promotional pricing.

List Price

The list price for this product. The list price can be multiplied by the Price Discounting modifier to determine the correct price for Sales Order Entry.

Min Qty

The minimum quantity the customer must order to qualify for the prices and discounts on this record.


The net price for each unit, after discount.


The price for each unit, before discount.

Price Type

The price type assigned to this product in Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Pricing Cost

Depending on how pricing costs are set up in SA Admin Options - Products - Costs, the average, standard, replacement, or last cost is displayed. A message appears to inform you the prices were calculated based on the Based On field in PD Pricing Setup.

Product Status

The current status of the product. Sales Order Entry can only use active products to determine prices and discounts.


Indicate the quantity of the product you want to begin viewing pricing detail for.

Qty Break

The quantity of product the customer must order to receive a quantity break discount on the product.

Record #

The unique Price Discounting record ID assigned to this product and pricing record.


Indicate the unit for which you want to view pricing information.