Transfer Entry - Initiate field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Due Date
Specify the date on which the warehouse transfer is to be received from the ship-from warehouse. If you leave this field blank, the date is calculated after all line items are added to the transfer by taking the longest lead time from all lines on the transfer and adding it to the order date. If you change the due date on this window, the due date on each existing line is changed to match. Any line added after you change the due date on this window are assigned a due date calculated from the order date on the transfer header and the Default Lead Time on Non-ARP Transfer option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing.
If the Authorized Replenishment Path is followed, the Average Lead Time from the ship-to warehouse’s Product Warehouse Product Setup record is used. If not, the Default Lead Time on Non-ARP Transfer option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing is used. With an automatic warehouse transfer, the current date is used.
The due date can come from an Order Entry Direct Order (DO). The field is enterable from the Extend or Vendor/Whse windows in Order Entry.
Extended Shipping Instructions
Specify shipping instructions for packing and shipping clerks, for example: “Do not use peanuts” or “Ship UPS ground if over 10 lbs.”. On a direct warehouse transfer, this field is updated based on the corresponding field on the tied sales order, but can be overridden. The extended shipping instructions specified here are included on the Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report and the Transfer Master List Report. This field is independent of the Instructions field.
Ignore Lead Time
Select this option to ignore the lead time for items on the transfer.
Clear this option to use the lead time for items on the transfer.
Specify any special instructions needed by the ship-from warehouse to send the warehouse transfer to the ship-to warehouse.
Order Date
Specify the date the transfer was requested by the ship-to warehouse. If a transfer is not immediately approved but placed in Requested stage (Stage 0), the order date indicates how long ago a transfer was entered before it was approved.
Order Type
If you are creating a transfer order, select the order type.
Reason Code
Specify the reason code that applies to the warehouse transfer. Transfer reason codes are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup.
Specify the reference code to associate with the warehouse transfer. Reference codes are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup.
Requested Ship Date
Specify the date on which the ship-to warehouse requests that the transfer be shipped. This date is used to determine the initial printing date for the transfer. The date that is displayed automatically in this field is based on these criteria:
  1. The date the transfer was initially entered. If you are adding a transfer, this would be today’s date.
  2. The number of days specified in the Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is added to the date the transfer entry date.
  3. The Product Warehouse Description Setup record.
  4. The End of Day Cutoff field value. For example, if the End of Day Cutoff is 1500 (3:00 PM) and it is 5:00 PM, an extra day is added to account for the time.
  5. The Saturday Shipments field. An additional day is added if this field is cleared.
  6. The Sunday Shipments field. An additional day is added if this field is cleared.
  7. If the Requested Ship Date has been manually specified, it overrides the calculation in steps 1-3.

For example, assume today is Thursday, it is 5:00 PM, and the Requested Ship Date automatically defaults. The Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date is set to 3, the End of Day Cutoff is set to 3:00 PM, and you ship on Saturday but not on Sunday. The Requested Ship Date for this example is Monday. Because it is after 3:00 PM on Thursday, the count begins on the next day, Friday. Three additional days are added, but because there are no Sunday shipments, Monday becomes the Requested Ship Date.

Select this field is this warehouse transfer must be expedited.
Ship From Warehouse
When you are maintaining warehouse transfer, this field displays the from warehouse specified when the transfer was created. It cannot be changed.
If you are creating a transfer order, specify the warehouse fulfilling the warehouse transfer. The entire warehouse transfer must be shipped from one warehouse.
Ship To Warehouse
When you are maintaining warehouse transfer, this field displays the to warehouse specified when the transfer was created. It cannot be changed.
If you are creating a transfer order, specify the warehouse receiving the warehouse transfer. The entire warehouse transfer must be shipped to one warehouse.

The Allow Intercompany Transfers option must be selected SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing. The Intercompany G/L Account field specified inSA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing is used to record the transaction. If you create an intercompany transfer and the Allow Intercompany Transfers option is cleared, this message is displayed: Intercompany Transfers Not Allowed

If the Restrict To Home Warehouse/Group field is set to Yes in SA Operator Setup, you can create warehouse transfers for your default warehouse. If a valid warehouse is specified in the Home Warehouse field in the operator's setup record and the Restrict to Home Warehouse/Group option is Yes, that warehouse defaults. Your default warehouse can either be the Ship To or the Ship From Warehouse, but your default warehouse must be involved in the transfer.

If you are in maintain or delete mode, this field is only for display.

Ship Via Type
Specify the form of transportation to use for transfers from the ship-from warehouse. The default value is based on the ship-from warehouse record. You can override the default. The Ship Via options are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup and printed on all warehouse transfers.
To Company
When you are maintaining warehouse transfer, this field displays the company specified when the transfer was created. It cannot be changed.
If you are creating a transfer order, specify the company for the ship to warehouse. The default value for this field is from the Login window. You can override it. You can specify a different company number to transfer products from one company to another. You can also complete warehouse transfers within the same company.
Transfer Order Number
This field is displayed when you are maintaining a warehouse transfer. Specify the number of the transfer order you want to maintain.