Product Commodity Codes Report ranges and options


Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth?

Specify P to include products that are set up in Product Setup. Specify C to include products that are set up in Product Catalog Setup. Specify B to include both types of products.

Include Inactive Products/Catalogs?

Specify whether to include products or catalog products that are inactive.

Include Labor Products?

Specify whether to include products that are defined as labor products in Product Setup. This option only applies if you select P or B for the Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth? option.

Include Superseded Products?

Specify whether to include superseded products. This option only applies if you select P or B for the Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth? option.

Sort by P)roduct/Catalog or C)ommodity?

Specify P to sort the report by product/catalog product. Select C to sort the report by commodity code.