SM Government Tax Register Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Print (O)rdered (I)nvoiced, (P)aid (W)O

This option relates to your method of reporting tax liabilities.

Specify O to print all open orders within the selected ranges, including invoiced and paid orders. Open orders include orders in Stages 1-3. The information aids in planning for tax liabilities. You can filter information by specifying a range using Invoice Date and Paid Date.

Specify I to print all orders invoiced within the Invoice Date range. If an order has been both invoiced and paid within that time period, the invoice is included in the report. This option is influenced by what accounting method you select in SA Company Setup-Taxes-Tax Settings-Tax Analysis. If you selected Accrual, set this option to I.

Specify P to print invoices in Stage 5 (paid) only. This option is influenced by what accounting method you select in SA Company Setup-Taxes-Tax Settings-Tax Analysis. You must select Cash before the Paid option applies. If you use a cash basis system, only the taxes for those invoices that have been paid by the customer within the selected period are reported. Adjustments for any credit memos (RM orders) that have been applied, either partially or fully, against the invoice will be processed and shown on the report.

Specify W to control the transactions that are displayed on the report. Using this option, you can run the report to print only those invoices where taxes were adjusted or written off in Customer Cash Receipts Entry. If you are reporting your tax liabilities using the Accrual method, you can make adjustments to tax reports where you submitted tax payments for invoices where the tax amounts were later adjusted or written off.

Print Invoice Detail Lines?

Select Yes to print individual invoiced line items.

Select No to print the totals for each selected jurisdiction only. Grand totals print for all states, counties, cities, and other jurisdictions.

Print Invoice Addons?

Select Yes to include addons as separate line items.

If the addon is taxable, the taxable amount is displayed in the Taxable Sales column.

If it is nontaxable, zero is displayed in the Exempt Sales column.

The taxable amounts for taxable addons are not included in the totals because they are already included in the invoice taxable amount.

Print Sub-Totals by Exemption Code?

Select Yes to include invoice detail and subtotals by exemption code for each state. This allows you to meet some state requirements for a list of the total amount for each exemption type.

Print (S)tate, Cou(N)ty, (C)ity, (O)ther

Use this option to limit the report to specific jurisdictions. Specify (S)tate, Cou(N)ty, (C)ity, or (O)ther in this field to specify the type of jurisdiction for which you are printing the report. Separate your values by a comma.

Print Write-offs?

When you select Yes, any write-offs during the reporting period are printed on the report.

If you select Yes to Print Write-offs, we recommend you also specify a date for the option, Write-off Date Limit. If you leave the date limit blank, the report may take a long time to run. The date you specify should be before the invoice date of any write-off that must be included on the report.

Select No if you are certain that you did not take any write-offs in the period you are running the report for. Write-offs are excluded from the report, even if they exist for the reporting period.

Write-off Date Limit

If you are taking tax write-offs, that is, the previous option is set to Yes, specify a date to limit the records that are read.

If you are not taking tax write-offs, do not specify a date.