Transfer Register Report ranges and options
- (O)rder #, (W)arehouse, (P)roduct Order
Specify O to sort by order number.
Specify W to sort by warehouse order.
Specify P to sort by product order.
If you specify No for the Print Line Items option, you cannot sort the report by product order.
- (S)hipping Co. or (R)eceiving Co.
This option works with the (O)rder #, (W)arehouse, (P)roduct Order option.
Specify S to sort transfers for the ship from company in the order that you specified.
Specify R to sort transfers for the receiving company in the order that you specified.
- Trans Type - (D)O, (W)T, or (B)oth
Specify D to include direct orders.
Specify W to include warehouse transfers.
Specify B to include both types.
- (A)pproved, (R)equested, or (B)oth
A warehouse transfer does not advance to Stage 1 (Ordered) until all line items are approved or not approved.
Specify A to include approved transfers.
Specify R to include requested transfers.
Specify B to include both types.
If you specify No for the Print Line Items option, you must include both approved and requested transfer on the report.
- Include Not Approved Line Items?
Select Yes to include line items that have not been approved.
Select No to exclude line items that have not been approved.
If you specify No for the Print Line Items option, you must select No for this option.
- Print Backorders Only?
Back orders are created when the quantity that is ordered by a requesting warehouse is greater than the quantity that is shipped.
Select Yes to only include transfers with back-ordered lines. The entire transfer is included on the report if at least one line is back-ordered.
Select No to include all transfers.
- Print Non-Stock Items Only?
Products that are not stocked in your inventory are entered as nonstock products on warehouse transfers. The product is not validated in Inventory Control and no quantities are updated.
Select Yes to include only nonstock products.
If you specify No for the Print Line Items option, you must select No for this option.
- Print Line Items?
Select Yes to print line item detail.
If you select No, the values for these options are restricted to prevent contradictory responses:- (O)rder#, (W)arehouse, (P)roduct Order cannot be P.
- (A)pproved, (R)equested, or (B)oth must be B.
- Include Not Approved Line Items must be No.
- Print Non-Stock Items Only must be No.
- Totals Only?
Select Yes to review the report in summary form.
Select No to review the report in detail form. A detailed report can be lengthy.